
how can people be like that?
i saw a t.v. program once about gypsies that live in major european cities and pimp out their own children. these types of degenerates must be eliminated from the human gene pool.
Their fucking broads have hairy armpits!!!! What the fuck were the towel monkeys thinking....They should've hit the Eiffel Tower!!


Oblivious Maximus said:
Fuck France! Bunch of frog eating, beret wearing smelly motherfuckers.
What the fuck is appealing about a 6 month old child? That is totally fucking sick, and those people deserve to be hung.

Perhaps we should have let Germany keep France
All the women in france have penises...Whereas all the french soldiers (foreign legion, whatever) have vaginas, and that's the reason that when they have to make a stand that they run like pussies....because essentially that's what they really are.......I know it's a deep concept...take a minute and let it sink in....

:yow: :yow:

johnnieCzech said:
Hooooooly fuck dude.
I´m speechless just like :yow:
I took a few shots at the french in this thread in an attempt to lighten the mood about the sadness in that link.....But I guess it wasn't a good idea....And the truth is that no amount of pain should ever be enough for those sick fucks!!

I won't be posting my favorite smiley in this reply due to the fact that there really is nothing funny about this thread.
T_man357 said:
I won't be posting my favorite smiley in this reply due to the fact that there really is nothing funny about this thread.

No there isn´t. But I think that face fits to my speechless reply. Doesn´t it?
gaschamber said:
its just sex...
