
balls to it, I was thinking bout it but i looked at flights and they were a rip off price so unless somethings changed there, im not goin. ive a few other weekends coming up that are gonna be sore on the ould pocket too :erk:

free bum party?
do yo want to drive along?
we leave friday at 12h30 in brussels, back saturday evening somewhere i think

so we'd share the car (with minimum 4 people... anyone an idea how much road tax would be?)
and for sleeping: mehdi said something bout a youth hostel for 15 euros each,
or inneke was thinking bout a formula 1 hotel, then you pay 30 euros for a room of 3, but it shouldn't be a problem to smuggle in some sleeping matress or something like that (what are your sleeping plans?)

so let me know what you're plans are, i'd call you but my voice is gone at the moment.
siderea said:
do yo want to drive along?
we leave friday at 12h30 in brussels, back saturday evening somewhere i think

so we'd share the car (with minimum 4 people... anyone an idea how much road tax would be?)
and for sleeping: mehdi said something bout a youth hostel for 15 euros each,
or inneke was thinking bout a formula 1 hotel, then you pay 30 euros for a room of 3, but it shouldn't be a problem to smuggle in some sleeping matress or something like that (what are your sleeping plans?)

so let me know what you're plans are, i'd call you but my voice is gone at the moment.
could you come online? or are asleep already?

for now on i still haven't booked or planned a thing, and it seems i'll have to go 'alone' cause my mate doesn't wanne skip school that day..
but i'm gonna send a private messageto you now.
wooo received
yeah i am quite wrecked, seems like i have to try bambi's neolithic juice again.
but urr ill be on line urrrr not now but later, i'll try from 7 on...
drieze, we gaan die herberg in parijs centrum boeken, maar we hebben dan wel je volledige naam en geboortedatum nodig.. mail je die of zet je die hier ergens (ik ben weg vanavond)... en sten gaat die mee nu of?
au revoir!