FRANK BELLO Quits ANTHRAX, Is Replaced Temporarily By JOEY VERA

Deadly Embrace said:
I abandoned ship long ago, they are not the band they used to be, period!
I feel the same way. Plus, who could listen to Charlie complain/cry all day long and make excuses for crummy records , and downloading is what made their last record tank ..... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ............... whaaaa :ill:
hiddenlegions said:
I feel the same way. Plus, who could listen to Charlie complain/cry all day long and make excuses for crummy records , and downloading is what made their last record tank ..... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ............... whaaaa :ill:

Don't forget Eric, Charlie cried when Dave Navarro cut in front of him in
line at Starbucks.
hiddenlegions said:
I feel the same way. Plus, who could listen to Charlie complain/cry all day long and make excuses for crummy records , and downloading is what made their last record tank ..... riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ............... whaaaa :ill:

When Charlie "Crys" its to Us, The Anthrax fans that visit Then other assholes come and post it on there sites. He is just sharing his thoughts with his fans. At least he takes the time to address his fans.
Officer Nice said:
So How did Assthrax get on the TOTT bill if you abandoned
For one I respect the band Anthrax, although not my favorites since Joey left, they are all good guys, and offereed to play, and do the show for a cause.....Both Chuck's....... and there are alot of people who still like them, plus they deserved and fit the bill perfectly......lots of reasons, sometimes you have to look past personal preferences, for the good of what we tried to accomplish.......I can never thank all the bands and familes enough, I'll be doing that til I die.........
Deadly Embrace said:
For one I respect the band Anthrax, although not my favorites since Joey left, they are all good guys, and offereed to play, and do the show for a cause.....Both Chuck's....... and there are alot of people who still like them, plus they deserved and fit the bill perfectly......lots of reasons, sometimes you have to look past personal preferences, for the good of what we tried to accomplish.......I can never thank all the bands and familes enough, I'll be doing that til I die.........

I certainly can't argue with any of this.
Buddy_Love_Bomb said:
When Charlie "Crys" its to Us, The Anthrax fans that visit Then other assholes come and post it on there sites. He is just sharing his thoughts with his fans. At least he takes the time to address his fans.
Charlie complaining about Dave Navarro cutting in line at Starbucks is
embarrassing and ridiculous. People cut in line anywhere you go and it
happens everyday. It's so trivial isn't it? Charlie, like a big friggin baby,
admits he's raising a stink and throwing his arms in the air and yelling in
line and using profanity in public and complaining and ends his post with
"Dont cut the line when I'm in line"

Sounds like petty rock star jealousy boo-hoo whining bollocks.
Who looks like the bigger fool? Charlie.

He complains that Americans are stupid because we won't buy his
record. Charlie's stooping to insulting people because his latest album
tanked and nobody gives a fuck about them anymore. Now that Charlie
went and called Americans stupid, I'm sure their album sales will
skyrocket and go through the roof!
Charlie's blaming everyone in this country for the lack of sales
but it's not his fault, is it?

He has every excuse in the book for why _his_ record isn't being bought
or heard....Metal's dead, America is so trend driven, everyone's downloading.

First of all, Our Economy's not in the best shape.
Sometimes priorities like Medical Insurance, Car Insurance, Food, Heat
and rent take precedence over buying Charlies gay record.

Second, America may be trend driven but that didn't stop Charlie from
praising Sum 41 a while ago "Oh they rocked!!!"...uh Sum 41 is a trend band.

Third, people usually download it first to see if it's worth spending the money
on. Apparently, nobody's buying Assthrax because it sucks.

If America is so trend driven, why are bands like In Flames experiencing
more sales in this country? Metal isn't dead. It's alive and well but Anthrax
is in a vegetative state and Scott and Charlie refuse to pull the plug.

I'd rather hear nothing at all from a musician if all he's going to do is bitch.
Maybe Charlie should spend less time bitching and more time writing music
that doesn't suck.