Frankie: New Album is "thrashier"


Mar 15, 2005
Cleveland, OH
via Blabbermouth:

Regarding the musical direction of the new ANTHRAX material, Bello said: "It hurts to play it. How about that? [Laughs]

"I'll tell you… Scott and I were jamming with Charlie in Chicago, just doing the demos as we do before we record the record… And you know, after we're done with a song and you're shaking your hand like do do a fast ball? I'm telling you, the blood needed to flow again…

"I like the fact that we have to work for this. That means there's something going on with these songs — whether it's fast picking, whether it's just digging into it, something that both [Scott and I], we looked at each other and started laughing, and we started shaking our hands: 'That's gonna be a good one.' And that's the kind of record this is.

"This is a heavy record, man. This is a heavy, riff-oriented record. It's more thrashier, with [singer Joey] Belladonna's big vocals and melodies, which is gonna be great.
Sounds like they're recording an album that will be filled with songs the will have trouble playing live.
Also read another interview with Frank saying they plan to hit the studio in November. This is great.
Scott said the same thing 1 or 2 albums ago and was not really that Thrashy. We'll see, Kirk Hammett and new Exodus is pure Thrash right there :headbang:
Numetal riffs....... Really? Which songs, I obviously don't really know what defines a numetal riff.
Where on Worship Music did you actually hear nu-metal riffs? :lol:

The only nu-metal influenced song was Inside Out, IMHO (which I love).
Where on Worship Music did you actually hear nu-metal riffs? :lol:

The only nu-metal influenced song was Inside Out, IMHO (which I love).

You just asked me where I hear numetal riffing and then answered your own question...

Anyway, Fight'em...has nu metal riffing, at least all throughout the verses. I like the song because of the solos and some of the vocals so it doesn't matter anyway. But that's just one more example of many I could point out.

It's not worth fighting over, really. I like Anthrax and I like the fact that they're trying to make the next album better by way of heavier thrash influence. I wish them the best and we'll see how it turns out.
With the success of Worship Music and the Grammy nod I can't see them straying too far away from that formula and making a pure thrash record. We can hope though:)
Yes you are right. I didn't bother to check. I'm not very familiar with this band. Anyway, what I said still holds.

oh your not very familiar with this band, but are familiar enough to come onto their forums and claim the last album was filled with "nu metal riffs?"

I donno bout u guys...

but this thread is really ol skool...

Anyhooo...i love Frankie and his attempt in making waves for the new album.
With the success of Worship Music and the Grammy nod I can't see them straying too far away from that formula and making a pure thrash record. We can hope though:)

Interesting point.

I reckon they're going to hold true to the "thrashier" material statement they keep making ...... they've been saying this ever since they started writing 6 months ago. I reckon now they have a much bigger audience since WM, they might feel they can "go for it" and put the serious thrash back into their records that the likes of Metallica and Megadeth have been lacking.

Like you - seriously hoping for this, anyway!!!
Interesting point.

I reckon now they have a much bigger audience since WM, they might feel they can "go for it" and put the serious thrash back into their records that the likes of Metallica and Megadeth have been lacking.

It never hurt Slayer's sales, so I don't see why those other bands ever felt the need to commercialize their sound.
For the record... Anthrax has ALWAYS said that the upcoming album will be their heaviest ever. They said it before Stomp, before WCFYA and so on. We'll see, in two or three years time I guess.
How can your riffs be called nu metal when thru your playing u actually greatly contributed to said genre,please explain,it's not nu metal,it's because bands are influenced by you and it was a catch phrase created just to sell more records,what bullshit