Frantic Bleep - The Sense Apparatus

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
This is officially the first big surprise for 2005 for me. I've never heard this band before, but I can now give them my official seal of approval. That means all my cult followers should go get this immediately.

I'll likely review this, but here's a quick synopsis.

* Released through The End Records
* Release date 2/8/05
* The press release calls them a combination of Arcturus, Type O Negative, Amorphis, and Neurosis. I'd add Meshuggah and maybe Tool to that list.
* I'm thinking nearly every fan of metal should like this band. I really can't think of anybody that will hate this.
* This is by far the best thing I've heard this year.:loco:
Good lord . . . this CD is amazing! I'm dead serious. I can't believe this is their first full album. I think I'm going to also add that fans of music like Void of Silence, Manes, Ulver and J.'s beloved Arcane Sun should also give this a serious listen.
There is so much variation among songs that I don't think listening to a single mp3 will be very fair for this bands audience. I hope they get several songs up on their site soon.
I just got this for review. It's a big task. You could compare them to dozens of bands and get it right and still not capture their sound. Odd stuff. I am not as head over heels as you are just yet, but it definitely is an intriguing album, and I might just come to love it.
I had their demo which was good , but less than that description . Please don't spoil my discover ( OK I won't enter the thread again :loco: )
I'll be waiting the release :dopey:
I heard one song on that Phases thingy awhile back, and have wanted to check them out since. Yet haven't. But now, oh yes, now is the time. Oh yes, yes it is.
Its not so much that the band combines a whole bunch of incluences, its just that their sound is so hard to nail down that I have to compare them to a whole bunch of bands to do the band any justice.
I listened to a few tracks on the way into work this morning.

Track # 2 = devout Wolverine worship. They've obviously been listening to "Cold Light of Monday" a bit...

Yeah, the Arcturus comparison is inevitable. So far this is like [latter day] Arcturus meets Wolverine. No verdict yet, but so far, pretty interesting....!
Not convinced with the mp3 so far . I'll check this out anyway , many quality webzines gave their best scores.