Frat Boy's need a boot in the ass


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
Bailey's death came less than two weeks after the body of a 19-year-old sophomore was found in a fraternity house at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. She had consumed 30 to 40 beers and vodka drinks in 11 hours, authorities said.

Also last month, a 19-year-old student was found dead of alcohol poisoning at the Sigma Chi fraternity house at the University of Oklahoma.

This is an excerpt from a CNN report. MY question is how the hell can ANYONE drink that much alcohol???? I can drink with the best of them but I have never in my life drank that much. MAN WTF

This shit has happened at MSU too when some dumb bitch drank 24 shots in a FUCKING HOUR.....God its scary how many dip shits there are in this world.
The really fucked up thing is that she wasn't, she was a really attractive small girl (with shit for brains I might add. Sorry if that sounds cold and mean but hell who in their right mind would drink that much). These fucking frat boys let this shit go on because they think if they let the girls get drunk enough then the girls won't realize how big of fucking mongoloids they are and fuck them...
Yeah, a few years ago when I was in college, some asshole slipped a roufinol pill into my Long Island Iced Tea. Thank God my girlfriend's were nearby and saw me going down real fast. I don't wish that shit upon anyone.
I was 16........ I stole 2 beer balls from the store i worked at and we had a party.......... we started playing quarters , and everyone picked on me, i drank 20 24oz glasses of Genesee cream ale draft in about 3 hours......I spent the rest of the night out on the lawn puking..............after a few drinks, you lose your sence, and if people are egging you on.........well, you end up with one hell of a hang-over...........................
Karina_666 said:
Yeah, a few years ago when I was in college, some asshole slipped a roufinol pill into my Long Island Iced Tea. Thank God my girlfriend's were nearby and saw me going down real fast. I don't wish that shit upon anyone.
That happened to a freind of mine ,the difference was he was at a bar by himself and after he passed out the fuck stole his wallet, ring,watch,...............
I just don´t know the meaning of words frat and fraternity, would someone please explain...?
I think drinking 40 beers and vodkas is particulary impossible even in Czech...where everything connected with beer drinking is possible.
johnnieCzech said:
I just don´t know the meaning of words frat and fraternity, would someone please explain...?
I think drinking 40 beers and vodkas is particulary impossible even in Czech...where everything connected with beer drinking is possible.
Cuz in Czech Rep. yall have that real Budweiser that makes you shit yourself instantly.

Frat boys are pussies, more of them need their asses kicked.
johnnieCzech said:
I just don´t know the meaning of words frat and fraternity, would someone please explain...?
I think drinking 40 beers and vodkas is particulary impossible even in Czech...where everything connected with beer drinking is possible.

In America a FRat house or a Fraternity are common on campus. They are like Clubs and sponsor social activities like getting drunk and toga parties.
The movie Animal house is a perfect thing for you to watch. And the day a girl consumes 40 beers is the day I will give up drinking. I don't believe it.
Billy's right. 40 beers is quite a lot and to paraphrase him the day a girl can drink that much is the day I take up drinking.

God bless,
Buzzard said:
In America a FRat house or a Fraternity are common on campus. They are like Clubs and sponsor social activities like getting drunk and toga parties.
The movie Animal house is a perfect thing for you to watch. And the day a girl consumes 40 beers is the day I will give up drinking. I don't believe it.
Thank you.
I saw with my own eyes :OMG: 15 year old girl drink 16 beers. Really.
But 40 is like way too enough.
Evil Dead said:
Cuz in Czech Rep. yall have that real Budweiser that makes you shit yourself instantly.

Frat boys are pussies, more of them need their asses kicked.
I never shit myself after the real Budweiser and I don´t know of anyone who did.
Buzzard said:
In America a FRat house or a Fraternity are common on campus. They are like Clubs and sponsor social activities like getting drunk and toga parties.
The movie Animal house is a perfect thing for you to watch. And the day a girl consumes 40 beers is the day I will give up drinking. I don't believe it.

Maybe what they meant was that she drank the equivelent of forty beers for her size? I also agree Billy there just is no way that anyone can drink that much...Unless of course you are a Sumo and those guys can drink about 100(no shit) they of course are also 500 to 600 pounds too so that helps( I guess, sounds like to much work to me) The girl at MSU did drink 24 shots in an hour though. That really DID happen and she paid the price with her life because she was a moron.