Freak Kitchen Interview Posted on NOTES Site (You Sure You're Ready For This?)


Just a Kid at Heart

As promised, I just posted my interview with Mattias "IA" Eklundh, super-guitarist with the Swedish band Freak Kitchen.

If you're ready for some of the coolest anecdotes ever put to paper, sashay on over to But be prepared. An interview with IA is every bit as unique as Freak Kitchen's music. 'Nuff said.



P.S. Next up: Zak Stevens and a surprise "bonus" interview with Chris Caffery. Then, Piet from Savage Circus/Iron Savior.
You have to scroll to the bottom to find it. The Chris Caffery one was put up after it (interesting read...), so the IA one is linked to at the bottom.
I'm glad IA didn't mention the song that they'll be doing. Having it as a surprise is better, and if anybody mentions it in your interviews, I hope you block it out for us, I have a feeling that Glenn would prefer that too (though I don't want to speak for him of course).
Great Interview, Bill! I'm really getting into Freak Kitchen and am amazed by his talent.

Out of curiosity, why does Mattias go by "IA?" I have assumed thus far that it has something to do with him tiring of telling people how to spell his name... "It's I before A..."
Thorn23TX said:
Great Interview, Bill! I'm really getting into Freak Kitchen and am amazed by his talent.

Out of curiosity, why does Mattias go by "IA?" I have assumed thus far that it has something to do with him tiring of telling people how to spell his name... "It's I before A..."


I, too, am amazed by his talent. Not to mention his wit.

You know, I never thought to ask what "IA" stood for. D'oh!

But thanks for the kudos on the interview. I appreciate it.

Great interview here Bill (same with Chris C as well)

He seems like he's a laugh riot. If you haven't heard his hernia story, broadcast to the internet on, it's a must hear.
He was on NoneRadio with Mike Keneally, and if the multiple in-studio jams weren't enough, the interview segments are priceless. Because of the hernia story, I will NEVER look at a glass of Tang again (thanks Mike K! ) I've been emailing back & forth w/IA for years now, and I'm looking forward to meeting him in September, we are hernIA brothers!
