Fred Durst Cracks Under Pressure

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton

LIMP BIZKIT Frontman 'Self-Destructs' At Chicago Gig, Band Quits Playing After 20 Minutes - July 28, 2003
Anders Smith Lindall of Chicago Sun-Times is reporting that heckling fans induced a profane tantrum from LIMP BIZKIT frontman Fred Durst during the group's Summer Sanitarium Tour appearance at Hawthorne Racetrack Saturday (July 26), and the band quit playing after just 20 minutes.
"It was easy to predict a rough reception for the rap-rock has-beens when a significant segment of the crowd booed a mention of the band by previous openers LINKIN PARK," he wrote. "When LIMP BIZKIT actually appeared around 7 o'clock, the boos intensified, and some fans pelted the stage with garbage.
"The famously brainless Durst only fanned the flames, first encouraging the catcalls and flying trash, then swerving into a bizarre tirade against the crowd and city. Ranting that he'd fight anyone in earshot and spluttering explicit sexual putdowns, uncreative curses and ludicrous homophobic slurs, Durst simply self-destructed. Had the villain in 'The Wizard of Oz' been a vile little boob like Durst rather than a snarly old lady in greenface, the movie's 'I'm melting!' scene might have looked like this.
"The crowd, perhaps stunned, calmed down, and LIMP BIZKIT played a few more songs (including a sarcastic, gay-bashing cover of George Michael's 'Faith' with potty-mouth lyrics that would embarrass a fourth-grader). But then the band left the stage and Durst resumed his vulgar invective from the wings until, mercifully, he was relieved of the microphone.
"The aborted set left fans to wait more than 90 minutes for METALLICA, but the mood never turned ugly — maybe because a lengthy delay was better than suffering through any more LIMP BIZKIT." Read more.

:lol: What a pathetic, unprofessional little cunt...maybe we can make him crack up at the SF show too. Metallica converting the mallcore masses isn't worth putting up with this's to hoping they kick this clown off the tour.
Pyrus said:
Metallica converting the mallcore masses isn't worth putting up with this bullshit...

Umm, you forgot that most of Mets fans are the Mall core masses... really I hate to bash on Met, because everyone does nowadays, but a Met is now playing Mall core shitness, and if you say the new album is heavy, well you wrong, it is lazy, fucking retardedly produced and Bob Rock sucked on bass, God that drum sound, it is the only fucking thing I can hear,

Lars-"Hey guys I'll bang on this here tin can while you guys play your Cort guitars through Fender Bullets and Rock plays through a 10 watt Gorilla, YEAH"

James- "OK, Lars, I will come up with some annoyingly repeated riffs and lame ass lyrics, ha ha ha"

Kirk- "Yeah, and I won't play any solos, GUFFAW! what a great idea"

Bob Rock-" and I will place one overhead mike in the middle of our practice room instead of using the equipment that cost us thousands, and then we will play all the songs once and leave in the mistakes so it sounds like a Zeppelin album on stupid"

And as they high five eachother a la Pearl Jam Ten, they do not realize that they are fucking writing one of the worst albums to be called metal, ever.

Sorry, I had to do that.
Pyrus said:
Every metalhead my age I know listened to mallcore, then started listening to Metallica, and from there got into other metal. I hope they continue that tradition.
What's mallcore? Anywhat, I think I did start that way, sadly to say I did Somewhat like Limp dick at some time and I'm now 15, and I did go on to listen to Metallica but was introduced to Slayer and Iron Maiden before that, but at the time my ears were too soft for the raw agression of "Reign In Blood", I was used to the Live 105(San Francisco radio station) nu metal they played at the time. And shortly after that I got into more serious things like Testament and other great metal acts! And I think the tradition will go on.
thebigyetti said:
i heard the same thing happened to FD in canada too

Hopefully that'll happen in EVERY city during the whole tour...and they have to leave Fred in Belvue when they go to Seattle because he cracks...and then there's NO MORE LIMP DICKHEAD ever again! In a perfect world that will happen:grin: