Fredrik Thordendal's Special Defects 2: Studio video!

YEAAHHHH!! been waiting for soo long. hope hell tour with this. would be soo sweet.
Morgan is such an awesome drummer and he is also soooo fucking humble. You can just instantly see that on him, he's just playing with his heart and doesn't give a damn about the world around him when he plays, it's just him and the drums. Damn that is a beautiful thing :)
Yeah those drums are definitely sounding atrocious, which I would associate with two things:

1) They're drums.
2) There's an undertone of jazz influence, probably spilling over in the set up and tuning.

All that aside, the first Special Defects is one of my favourite albums of all time. I absolutely can't wait for this. My biggest fear is that he will piss all over it with the AXE-FX, like those PODs have pissed all over the last few Meshuggah record. I would even prefer that he go back to the Marshall heads they used on the first Defects CD. The record's gotta sound open, natural... it's just about those huge ambiances, raw improv and moments of crushing chaos. If I hear that goddamn 'kwahhah WKHAhhh' djent sound of the axe fx I may just burn the CD.
Yeah those drums are definitely sounding atrocious, which I would associate with two things:

1) They're drums.
2) There's an undertone of jazz influence, probably spilling over in the set up and tuning.

All that aside, the first Special Defects is one of my favourite albums of all time. I absolutely can't wait for this. My biggest fear is that he will piss all over it with the AXE-FX, like those PODs have pissed all over the last few Meshuggah record. I would even prefer that he go back to the Marshall heads they used on the first Defects CD. The record's gotta sound open, natural... it's just about those huge ambiances, raw improv and moments of crushing chaos. If I hear that goddamn 'kwahhah WKHAhhh' djent sound of the axe fx I may just burn the CD.

I think they were tweaking the tuning throughout the video. You can tell the drums are way different by the end. You can see the tweaks like the snare dampening appearing as well. This is the guy that helped make all the DFH and superior stuff, have some faith.

I think the Catch33 tone was one of the best of all time. It's extremely smooth and pleasant to listen to and very powerful.

No doubt Obzen was abrasive though thanks to the fatiguingly loud master.
My biggest fear is that he will piss all over it with the AXE-FX, like those PODs have pissed all over the last few Meshuggah record. I would even prefer that he go back to the Marshall heads they used on the first Defects CD. The record's gotta sound open, natural... it's just about those huge ambiances, raw improv and moments of crushing chaos. If I hear that goddamn 'kwahhah WKHAhhh' djent sound of the axe fx I may just burn the CD.

Then I REALLY hope he'll use the AxeFX, just to piss you off. ;):saint::heh:
Yeah those drums are definitely sounding atrocious, which I would associate with two things:

1) They're drums.
2) There's an undertone of jazz influence, probably spilling over in the set up and tuning.
So the record has to sound open and natural in the guitars, but a really nice kit played by an amazing drummer sounds atrocious?