Free 8 song album - ambient with vox - The Tide


Apr 19, 2009
Hey guys I know this isnt metal and I aint the shiniest apple in the sneap bucket-o-fun but I thought I would offer up my recent 8 song ambient cd for free download off of bandcamp. It's a personal project, I wanted to try and capture the idea of walking across antarctica and a general coldness of thought type of feel to it. I think it came out quite well. I do some vocals on it as well, so it's not an instrumental-only deal. Let me know if you dig it, I've got a few ideas going for the next one and it'll be written in the coming months. Thanks! :kickass:
Digging the bits I've listened to so far...going to try to remember to put this on when I lay down time for me to listen to this type of stuff. What synths did you use?
Thanks fellas, I really do appreciate you checking it out. :worship:

Digging the bits I've listened to so far...going to try to remember to put this on when I lay down time for me to listen to this type of stuff. What synths did you use?

My favorite is one called String Theory by Ugo. Plenty of others, mostly free shit but I used Kontakt here and there when there wasnt a ton of other things going on to kill cpu. Some it is just my actual yamaha keyboard with tons of reverb/delay on the channel. Oh, one called Chimera is really cool for the underlying grainy sounds. I'll get you a better list or some link here soon. Thanks agin broskies! I've got a few newies already in the basket, got more of a space/edgar allan poe theme going this time, hehehe. peace