Free beer for katatonia fans


Mar 22, 2003
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Hi, nice to find so many people that love this band as much as I do. With joy I noticed that they are coming on tour soon, and that's a good opportunity to have a beer or two with some of you and see real persons instead of avatars...I'd like to see Katatonia on the Switzerland or north-Italy-gigs. Who else is going there?
Now you surely wonder how to get that free beer mentioned above.
It's very easy: Give us a place to stay for the night after one of those gigs ( it doesn't have to be a bed, a tiny place on the floor will do...) and the beer is all yours! We are two very nice fans of good music and absolutely harmless. Is there somebody who takes the offer?

Anyway, enjoy the tour, hope to see you!
hmm, getting a flight out to switzerland or north Itlay for some free beer does sound tempting, but i think what would be a better idea would to have a 'free flights' thread, then i'll gladly pay for the beer.
If someone puts me up in Vicenza I can host him/her in Milan...( it´s about one hour by car from where I live...well actually now I live in Stuttgart, but I´m coming back to Italy for Easter and to see Katatonia)...And of course I can put up someone else at my place for free beer :)
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If you would come to the Concert in Frankfurt/Germany on the 16th of April, you'd have a place to sleep. Its just a small student home of a friend of mine, where I will stay too, but i guess its enough to get some drunken people asleep :)
If you are fine with this, just mail me (
what a cool fukken thread. its refreshing to see
something like this after surfing thru UM tonite.

i think fans being strangers to one another going into
an interaction scenario, for the love of this music, can
only lead to great things. my hopes of making this
tour have disintegrated... but if anyone gets together for
the sake of great music and booze, please post some pictures/

i totally identified with this.
cheerz u fukkerz!!
Thank you very much for your offers!

@Portisfreak, Ether: Hope, you got my messages! Let's have a drink! And Katatonia!
Why not? We are all brothers here... Even though I am American... We are still Borthers, all with a common intrest to bring us together: Metal, Katatonia, and Beer! Great beer!

Metalheads don't hate each other, That's preventing any possible Jamming in the future!