Free Earache Xmas party (UK only)

Im glad you had a good night, and only sorry that we missed out.

Thanks for bending over backwards to try to get us there anyway. !!
Give our love to John and the rest of the guys.

have a great christmas and happy New Year

I can guarantee that wherever Bimechanical play in the future, we will be there!!

Sherry x
Thanks guys

Your were definatley the high point of a damn fine night. It was great to see you playing live again especially in my home town (last time I saw you was Bloodstock 2002).

All the best for the future and a very fucking merry Christmas.

METAL!!! :headbang:
Woah I'm still suffering from neck ache!
Met some great people! Just liked to say hi to the Farmakon, Mistress and Earache guys. A great night with great bands, a steady stream of vodka and coke (which was free if you had a certain wrist band). Memorable moments - Jamie(guitarist) hanging off the stair banisters, John (bassist) chucking some smelly bitter over my head.(Thanks I looked lovely!!).Chris (guitarist) walking around with his 'My Precious' bottle of JAGGER. John (Singer) headbanging manically untill 2am! Matt with his piece of pizza :D Ahhhhh and the group hug at the end!!!! A big thankyou to the two guys who helped us out at the end of the gig with some gear and to Adam, Steve and Anthony for helping out!
A big thank you from me to Steve for giving me a lift to Nottingham!

Here are a few pics.Sorry but my camera is crap. If anyone has any photos of the night please put them on the forum!


Crap picture I know


Jon C with Farmakon boys.


Jamie swinging on the banisters and I'm sure that's the beer Jon is holding that ended on my head!!!!!!

Merry Xmas everyone and see you all in the New Year!

For you Lee :D

A fun night was had by all, even if Matt went a bit crazy over the whole pizza thing, if it's any conselation there was a rather long, wirey hair grafted into the crust of that slice, and despite it falling from his head to the floor he ate it anyway. The show was awesome and my favourite bit was when i had to travel for 4 hours there and back in the back of Matt's fucking van, i don't think i have been that uncomfortable ever in my life, and those drums kept attacking me the vicious gits. Anyway, cheers to everyone that was there and I'll see you at the next. Ta muchly, Adam. :headbang:
haha! great pics ex! :D although I raised the glass just in front of my eye it doesn't match Toni's cheesy face.

Thanks to the fuckers at ryanair I just got back home and took a shower. Well, the show was great, the party was great, the booze was great and the whole trip was awesome even with the two extra days in london and the substantial money loss. :headbang:

Rofocale said:
Thanks guys

Your were definatley the high point of a damn fine night. It was great to see you playing live again especially in my home town (last time I saw you was Bloodstock 2002).

All the best for the future and a very fucking merry Christmas.

METAL!!! :headbang:

It was very cool meeting all you people! I'm glad the guys persuaded me to go, this was the most awesome party i've ever been to (possibly because of all the free booze...). All the bands we're great, except i didn't see the Decapitated at all 'cause i just couldn't stop the headbanging...

Almost forgot: FUCK RYANAIR!!! :zombie:
It was one hell of a Christmas party!

Had a great Christmas eating and drinking too much as usual and playing Half-Life 2(Great game!!!!!!) my Christmas present.. :D
Waiting very patiently to get the ok to give you some great news about Biomechanical in 2005!
Hope everyone has a great New Year!! :hotjump:

See you in 2005 !
Windom Pearl said:
I'll suck your cocks, no matter what's the situation!!!


Happy new year. I'm not gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

None gay cock sucking interesting! :D
Banners said:
A fun night was had by all, even if Matt went a bit crazy over the whole pizza thing, if it's any conselation there was a rather long, wirey hair grafted into the crust of that slice, and despite it falling from his head to the floor he ate it anyway. The show was awesome and my favourite bit was when i had to travel for 4 hours there and back in the back of Matt's fucking van, i don't think i have been that uncomfortable ever in my life, and those drums kept attacking me the vicious gits. Anyway, cheers to everyone that was there and I'll see you at the next. Ta muchly, Adam. :headbang:

Pizza thing? Was it with full pepperoni toppings or just plain cheese and tomato?
The pizza had ham and pineapple i think, maybe an onion or two as well, i can't quite remember. But Matt was apparently looking forward to eating it seeing as he'd been workin like a mother fucker all day moving drums and helping people out with amps, kits etc. and when it ended up on the floor for reasons that shall remain nameless he got some what stressed, ha ha, i laughed though, good times, good times. Ta muchly, Adam.
Banners said:
The pizza had ham and pineapple i think, maybe an onion or two as well, i can't quite remember. But Matt was apparently looking forward to eating it seeing as he'd been workin like a mother fucker all day moving drums and helping people out with amps, kits etc. and when it ended up on the floor for reasons that shall remain nameless he got some what stressed, ha ha, i laughed though, good times, good times. Ta muchly, Adam.

Ham and pineapple?

That's a bit gay isn't it? I mean you have to have the real deal with full meat and at least four kinds of cheese if you want to call your self a man :)