[Free Logic Video] Kiddin' With OttoToon


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
Couple of new videos up.
These aren't to be considered instructional in any way.
Not that any of my videos ever were considered as such ... but these really shouldn't.
The only thing that I show is how to Instantiate Melodyne .... that's about it. I don't show a fuggin' thing other than how to turn the darn plugin "on"
Oh well ... I am sick - and have been sick for a few weeks - but I wanted to put some type of video up ... and this is what happened.
Hope you get a laugh out of it.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdfAi6S7GLE&fmt=18]Kiddin' With Melo-Yellow-Dyne (prt 1) [/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUdEsHJ0Y_Y&fmt=18]Kiddin' With Melo-Yellow-Dyne (prt 2) [/ame]

Rawk'n'Roll ...
Nah, sir.
The power of Christ compels me, though.
I just feel like doo-doo today, though.

But thank you very much for taking the time to watch and reply.
I am truly glad that you get a kick from these videos.
I also hope that you stay tuned, and take care.

Talk to you later.
Haha fuck you Waterboy, this shit is too damn funny! (Fuck you was meant in a friendly way!)

Shit, I think I'm becoming addicted by this... when I come home late and I'm tired, I just wanna log in and see if you've posted some new vids, and when you have, it's so relaxing and fun :D

Otto2N 4ever! Rawk'n Roll bro!
@ SocialNumb: Thank you for your reply & for watching. It is very much appreciated. The Heroes bitch is purdee, huh?

@ Noodles: You're too cool, sir. Too cool.

@ Gojira: being an addict is ok. The first step is admitting that there is a problem. You are among friends, my good sir. You are among friends!

Seriously, guys - y'all are too cool.
Thanks a million for the kind words - the replies - and for taking the time to watch.
It means a lot to me. it actually makes me feel a bit better, too.
Y'all take care & rawk'n'roll!
I guess I can speak for most people on here..

You keep making 'em, and we'll keep watching them.

Thanks, Noodles. Very kind of you to say that.

And thank you, too - JoeJackson. That was a flattering reply, and I appreciate it very much.
Thank you for taking the time to watch and reply.
I hope you are able to stay tuned.
Take care!
You said a young bitch was hot!
Just kiddin' .... but she is legal now (I think).
Do you remember the good ol' days when she played in that movie with that fuggin' Zebra?

On a serious note - thanks for taking the time to watch and reply, sir.
You made me laugh - and I needed it, too.
Take care, sir.
