[Logic] Video on Viewer Request


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
Got a new video up - and it focuses on a few different things - but loosely!
As usual - don't expect to become a rocket scientist when you watch this.... quite the contrary... expect to be a bit dumber for having spent your precious time watching this.
At the very least - I hope that you get a laugh or two from it.
Thanks & take care.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVdF5BVLNPk]Viewer Question - Request (prt 1)[/ame]


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5anS8hSS-34]part 2[/ame]

On a side note - something that may interest any new comers to Logic is the ability to load Impulse Responses you can find on this very site!
These guys here know how to do it well!
Hey, sir. Thank YOU for watching and taking the time to reply as well.
I hope that I can entertain you enough that you will consider staying tuned.
Take care & have fun!
:lol:Hahaha I love these vid's, I personally think you should have a channel slot on the TV now that would be fucking ace :rock:

Your amp sim sounded pretty sweet straight off also! Good stuff, hopefully some more in future? :Smokin:
Just awesome! As mentioned above you should start a podcast with these videos... They're really good. Even if they are for beginners I enjoy watching them anyways...

Also fun that you mention the deepvoice trick... We have also used that on one of our recordings but with one of those horns that you buy for sporting events.
Remove the horn and inhale the gas. Works like a charm. Our singer did that in brazil and went to religious groups and scared the shit out of them.

Anyway love you stuff, thank you for sharing.
Hi, fellas.

@ The_Shred: man - I am so sorry that I haven't replied before now. For some reason - I don't get the eMail notification to say that somebody has replied to this thread. Sorry for that.
But I do appreciate the kind words - that is very cool of you to say. It is also very flattering (to say the least). I wish I knew how to get a channel like you said - that would be too much fun! I have every intention on making some more videos about basic recording in Logic and whatnot. Hopefully, I will be able to post a new video today or tomorrow. I hope that you stay tuned.

@ Goddamn Guitar: thank you very much for the nice reply. A Podcast, you say? hmm ... I haven't considered that. Might have to look into to it. If I had to guess - I could probably get decent quality on their videos, eh? Good ol' iTunes has some HD capable stuff, no? Gonna have to look into it. Thank you very much for the input. I will put it to good use. That is a hilarious story about your singer and the religious group being scared. Too funny!

Thank you both very much for taking the time to watch, and to reply. I really do hope that you stay tuned.
Hope you have fun - be creative - and above all: fuck the Nay-Sayers!!!!

That was great! Thanks a lot for the compliment - it is very much appreciated.
(I'm still laughing as I type this).
I forgot about that part of the video.
Thanks for watchin' and replying, too.
Take care.
Ahh no worries man, its comedy while being informative, which is easily the best viewing available!

Can't wait for some more, something on drums perhaps? :) Yeeeeehawwww!
Good idea, sir.
Which reminds me - somebody else asked about a video that touches on using UltraBeat within Logic - so maybe I can combine a video using UB, Superior 2, and live drums ....
*sound of rusty gears moving inside my head*
I think we may have a winner.
Thanks again, sir.
Take care.
GOD DAMN!!! I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!!! I am a somewhat a Noob to all this. I have a pretty decent idea of what to do but after I hit the record button I havent really any idea what to do afterwords. But your videos are awesome!! Not only is it VERY helpful but it WAY entertaining!!! Ive seen a few tutorials and they all pretty much put me to sleep. BUT NOT YOURS!!! I cant wait to see what else you got and what more you will show!!! Thanks again man! ROCK ON!!!!

ALSO! I was wondering.... Like I said... im a noob... What are "IR Samples"? Sorry lol im a huge noob like said after hitting record im pretty much dumb founded with plugins and what not! THANKS!!!
What are "IR Samples"?

IR = Impulse Response *I think thats right* well they are impulses, cabinet impulses, you load them into plugins which deal with them and they will give an emulated sound of what the impulse was taken from. EG, Mesa cab impulse, pop it on your dirty track and you will have a new type of tone, adjustable through the wet/dry signal to taste.

If your using modeling software these are quite important if you get some good ones, have a look out for Guitarhack's and the likes. You can also get impulse reverb, which I what I use more often. Powerful stuff! :rock:
Very well said, Mr The_Shred. Better than I could've said it - that's for sure!

Thank you very much for the extremely flattering words, WesNyle269@gmail.com I am not worthy of such kind things - but I will gladly take what I can get.
I am happy to hear that you found the videos entertaining - I hope that you are able to take something from them and apply it to your projects of the future.
If there is something that we can help you out with - please don't hesitate to ask - these folks around this forum are some of the coolest on the internot (IMHO).
I rarely see people slaying anybody for asking questions - even if they are silly.
As for the Logic side of things - if I can help you out - I am more than excited to see the occasional a PM for a video request.
Again - thanks a lot for the kind words.
And thank you for taking the time to watch and reply.
I hope that you subscribe (stay tuned), take care, and have a blast!

Hey, bud.
I have obtained IR samples from this forum. There are some really good ones here.
As for subscribing, you should be able to go to My Channel Page and click the yellow Subscribe button.
If not - there should be a subscribe button on the YouTube page while watching a video that I created.
That would be great if you were able to do so - thanks a lot.