[FREE Logic Video] Markers


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
I just uploaded a video that shows how to use Markers ... this is beginner stuff (like all of my videos). Don't expect to watch this and be a Rocket Scientist afterward .... for that matter - you should probably anticipate being dumber for having watched it.

Vulgar words ... bad jokes .... rotten use of English language .....


Nonetheless - I hope that you enjoy. You might get a laugh out of it.

Thanks for watching & take care!
@ digitalmikey: Nope - haven't gone anywhere - just been really lazy since we had our baby. Thanks very much fir the kind words - and I am very flattered about the 'WaterFANboy'. Very cool of you to say such things. You da man!

@ GubbKuk: I am glad that you get a kick out of the videos. That makes it all worth while. Thanks for taking the time to watch and reply.

Y'all take care & stay tuned!
Thank you very much for that, sir.
Very cool of you to say so - I hope that you stay tuned!

FWIW - Just posted a follow up to the "Markers" video.
This one is very short - and just shows how to jump from one marker to another using Key Commands.

Hope you enjoy.
Take care.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFCa8-fcO7E&feature=channel_page]Jumping Markers[/ame]