[FREE Logic Video Tutorial] Parallel Compression


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.

Made a silly video on [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ71X6fgcUA&feature=channel_page]Parallel Compression[/ame]

There are far more ways to this trick - I just give you a quick idea on one way to do it.

As usual: silly video; bad words; dumb jokes; lames sense of humor.

If any of those words are something you might be interested in, you might get a giggle from this video.

Thanks for watching - and I hope that you take care.
Great topic, was just about to recover that for a project I'm working on now.

Will watch it shortly (just got the new Cannibal Corpse album - nearly finished!!).
I love your computer whore.
Your laugh is dirty as all hell too!!

*edit - the new CC album FINALLY makes me think that Paul (the drummer) is right for the band.
I check it out - and I gotta say that I think I like it.
I am gonna have to geaux buy it now!
Thanks for the kind words, sir.
Take care!

Very cool of you to say such a thing.
Thank you very much.
And also - thanks for taking the time to let me know how you feel about the video.
I hope that you stay tuned & take care!
Thanks for the vid, man! Very useful information plus it's funny as hell.

Am I only the only one that picture an Adam Sandler-ish dude sitting infront of a mac talking about parallel compression?:lol: I think it's because of your dp man haha.
Very cool, sir. I appreciate you taking the time to let me know.
As for the Adam Sandler thingy - too funny!

Take care!
Thanks, guys. Y'all rawk for taking the time to reply.
I appreciate you watching, and the kind words, too.
Glad y'all got a giggle from it.
Take care!

They wouldn't exist without you good folks taking the time to watch 'em and stuff.
That is very cool of you to say those things - it's always very much appreciated.
I hope that I keep getting the thumbs-up.
take care!
Thanks a bunch. I am glad that you like it - and I hope that I can keep on delivering.
Thanks for taking the time to watch and comment.
I hope that you take care!

C'mon Djabthrash, this is the second time in the week ahahaha!


C'mon Djabthrash, this is the second time in the week ahahaha!


Yeah i know :)

It's just that i'm back on my mixes and lurking on this forum for some info, and i stumble upon the non-thread-related craziness in those threads and resurrect them :)

Those are good threads anyway so it's good to up them for the noobz (even if my contribution has like no value regarding the thread topic :) ), and the lolz/wtfness i pointed out was golden.