FREE Maxim and Stuff for 4 years ...

yes .. they are legit.

I get a lot of mags already this way, or a small $3.95 fee. Needless to say my mailman loves me :)
Cool, I was just looking through the Maxim website last night thinking I should start my subscription again. :)
Sorry the maximum number of subscriptions has been reached.

This offer will be available again next week.
Sunuva BITCH! Wait until next week I guess.

EDIT: Nevermind, going to the pain page and it was fine. Two years of Maxim for $8, that's like buying 2 issues on the newstand.
These assholes took my $8 and I haven't gotten shit, did you two get your subscriptions?
i never paid anything to begin with .. and have not gotten shit yet either.
thanks for reminding me.
These places give you free subscriptions because they make money by selling their database full of names and addresses. Now you're going to get inundated with telesales and junk mail.