Free Movie Streaming


Brain Bubbled
Jun 2, 2004
Who posted this previously in another thread, I couldn't find it.

Free online full divx movie streaming. I can't remember what thread, who posted it, or what it was. Should have saved it.

Can anyone enlighten me here?
They got a cease and desist from the MPAA, but found a loophole and told them to go fuck themselves. It's completely legal. How cool is that?
"We simply link or embed streaming video from other sources not related to our website. To download, save or burn any of the movies posted for your viewing pleasure; is Illegal so we have disabled all download links from movies that we link or embed to. Should you enjoy a movie viewed on our site, we suggest all consumers rent or buy the DVD from a legitimate movie retail business. At we link to content that was uploaded to popular Online Video hosting sites like All youtube/dailymotion users signed a contract with the sites when they set up their accounts which forces them not to upload illegal content. can't take the responsibility for any content hosted on other sites. Enjoy!!!"