Free multisampled kick - Premier Artist series.


Jan 20, 2012
Hi, all! Got a real nice sounding kick for you today. She's a Premier Artist series birch kick, size 22x18 inches. I recorded ten samples you can use round-robin or blend to your liking. Recorded in 16bit, 44.1K stereo .WAV files, already "pre-chopped" for you. Mic setup was: AKG D112 inside mic; Royer R-122 for room, also for kick outside mic; and finally, DPA 4041-S overheads. I feel I created nice variation and I'd love to hear any mixes you guys choose to use them in. Feedback is welcome. Hope you all enjoy and please let me know what you think! :)

Demo MP3:

.ZIP download:

If anyone is willing to make TCIs or GOGs, I'd appreciate it.

Thanks so much for this great forum, I look forward to your comments. :heh:

-- Phill C
Phill, I love this kick. It EQ's so well. Works on poppy stuff really well and some more modern stuff with more slap on it. Thanks!
Thank you for the kind words! I'd love to hear the EQ'd version both soloed and in a mix. Let me know how it goes!

Music love into the new year,

-- Phill