free synth plugins to...


May 10, 2008
Sunderland, UK.
Hey guys, i'm looking for a free vst synth plugin get this type of sound:

i'm a complete n00b.. but i do think its a synth. however, if you know any.. please hook me up with links!

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It's a synth and samples. Sounds like the ocean and a vocal line tuned way up a la the Chipmunks. Are you looking for the synthy sound or were you asking about the vocal sample?
I used to have a microkorg, you could definitely get a similar sound out of it. However the microkorg is $200-400 hardware and not a synth vst.
Korg makes those nanoKontrols i think there like 80 bucks each or somethin...the keyboard one comes with a copy of m1Le....just throwing it out there i dont know if itll have the sounds ur aiming for but theres still some cool synthy shit in it
you can get that type of sound with any subtractive synth like SYNTH1, but its now 1:30am and I have to wake up at 8am so I'll head to bed now. I'll write something tomorrow if I remember

cool beans.

i normally use Paul stretch.. but i want to be able to do ambience sound without having to stretch strummed guitar chords, haha
From the first video, there is more then one sound I tend to think. The "baby vocals" seem like a recorded baby or something with fx. And there seems to be a train. And there seems to be strings. There is some sort of "frying" sound that well, I dont know where to find that. :p

The 2nd vid sounds like a simple pure pad or something. Pads frequently have different names depending on the softsynth/synth. With a low attack. This vid seems much easier to recreate then the first imho.
From the first video, there is more then one sound I tend to think. The "baby vocals" seem like a recorded baby or something with fx. And there seems to be a train. And there seems to be strings. There is some sort of "frying" sound that well, I dont know where to find that. :p

The 2nd vid sounds like a simple pure pad or something. Pads frequently have different names depending on the softsynth/synth. With a low attack. This vid seems much easier to recreate then the first imho.

the first one was made from the second one.. apparently. the guy uses alot of samples from actual songs, films and games. hes pretty good!
There are some interesting discussions on Eno in Gearslutz. If I remember, he used a lot DX7 and helluva lot of processing, layering fx, delays into verbs and such.
And I seem to remember reading that that particular piece was actually reversed to make the final version? Don't quote me on that..

But most subtractive synths can produce pretty similar results, if you program them "right" (and use a lot of fx!).
Slow-ish attack and release, plenty of resonance in the filters and the cutoff point pretty low, for a start.
There are some interesting discussions on Eno in Gearslutz. If I remember, he used a lot DX7 and helluva lot of processing, layering fx, delays into verbs and such.
And I seem to remember reading that that particular piece was actually reversed to make the final version? Don't quote me on that..

But most subtractive synths can produce pretty similar results, if you program them "right" (and use a lot of fx!).
Slow-ish attack and release, plenty of resonance in the filters and the cutoff point pretty low, for a start.

I've heard lots of differen't things about Gearsluts.. think i'll sign up and lurk around for awhile. alot of interesting people post on there! thanks :D

These in particular could achieve that sound and more with little effort other than knowing pretty ethereal chord progressions.

cheers for that man! i'll give them a whirl

These in particular could achieve that sound and more with little effort other than knowing pretty ethereal chord progressions.

I recommend these too, I use this guy's vsti's for synths, strings and piano, good and easy to use

btw this should be in the equipment section, it says it in the rules that plugins are also considered "equipment"
I recommend these too, I use this guy's vsti's for synths, strings and piano, good and easy to use

btw this should be in the equipment section, it says it in the rules that plugins are also considered "equipment"

Yeah, just realised that - Sorry! also, Just tried these plugins and they work amazingly! thanks!