Free Tarot Card Reading


problem solver
Dec 4, 2003
Try this: and click on "tarot"

you can formulate a question/problem and choose the deck and the spread

Tip: choose the "Rider Waite" deck and the "Celtic Cross" spread

much better than that I-Ching stuff I think (you can try that as well on the same page)
when I asked "will i finish the proof?" it responded with success all over the place, yet I still can't seem to get the proof together

hmmm, maybe I should design a mathematical tarot deck?
apparantly i shouldn't have high hopes :yell: :cry:

The card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. Two of Cups (Love), when reversed: Instability in romance, friendship, or business. A deep infatuation that excludes existing friends. A false promise or premature commitment. The entanglement of male and female interpreted in the broadest sense. The profaning of the sacred through the introduction of base desire. Folly, depletion, and waste. May suggest conflict, divorce, or a severing of ties.
I did another one and let it choose for myself. Btw, never choose the "reverse" mode, it's really bad :D

How you see your partner: "A challenge to be met and solved through the invocation of force."


I herrreby invoke all the forces of the Mother Earth, the Father Sun, the Wind Brothers and the Star Sisters to help me solve this challenge.
I asked it if I'll get admitted to the university where I applied, and it shows "the commencement of business, commercial transactions, or employment, [...] using the conventional as a medium for expressing the exceptional, in order to build something of great renown and glory."

I interpret it as yes :D
Fuck this was my top card...
This isn't looking good is it??? :(

The card at the top of the staff represents the ultimate outcome should you continue on this course. Death: A major change or transformation, possibly traumatic and unexpected. Freedom from the shackles of the past. A new beginning. Death coupled with rebirth, usually related to consciousness and lifestyle.
Anyone interested in finding out if laying out Tarot cards is just a silly game or can tell you something about yourself, should try the (downloadable) course at

Thank you.