Free Thrash Metal yes!!


Jun 27, 2004
I've posted this on a lot of places and on torrents and stuff and the feedback has been great so far so I wanted to see what you new school thrashers (you may not be new school but you dig Evile so I know you at least are open minded and not stuck in the 80s haha) would think. This is a link to both EP's of my band Invection ( If you could give your opinion on them I'd really appreciate it. Here's the link:

We've been getting great reviews so far so I'm not totally wasting your time I hope haha, out of all the reviews we've gotten (and we've gotten a lot) I've never seen one that is under a 7/10.

The first one, Demented Perception is more oldschool art wise, riff wise, production wise, everything is really raw and late 80s sounding. Really aggressive and brutal stuff I think.

The 2nd one, Derealization is more modern sounding and polished (like if you were to compare Peace Sells to Endgame). Theres a lot of different elements on this one such as a lot more shredding, melody, groove, brutality etc.

If you could at least check out one or 2 songs from both of them and tell me what you think I'd really appreciate it; they're so different style wise that you may love one but absolutely hate the other so definitely give both a chance. The artwork can be seen in my sig but here's a larger version for you guys to really see it (we're really proud of the Demented Perception artwork)



Thanks for checking them out and I hope you guys like them; I've posted them even on some other forums on Ultimate Metal a long time ago and the responses were great which is what prompted me to see what the other forums think of them (some people are only active on a couple forums)
Yeah, Dan Seagrave (Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Warbringer, Entomed, Dismember) did the Demented Perception art. He's an amazing artist who really creates amazing stuff that captures the music. We'll definitely try to get him to do artwork for our upcoming album.
Love the artwork dude! :D

Sadly, Myspace doesn't work on my PS3, so I'll have to give it a download when I have my hands on the laptop.
Yeah if you can download it that's the best way and thats the reason I put it up. Myspace quality really isn't that good so in the download I have them at 320 kbs quality for Derealization and 256 kbs (a bit lower since the EP is longer and I wanted to keep the file size down but still sounds great) for Demented Perception plus art for both of them so you can see the art while you listen and it gives a different feeling to it than just a stale shitty myspace player.
I downloaded the EPs because based on first impressions you sound like you've produced something which is well worth my time. First one I put on was Derealization and I have to say I did quite enjoy it. Vocals sounded VERY Warbringer at times though. I'm just about to get onto putting on Demented Perception...

Can I ask why you didn't get Dan Seagrave to do the art for Derealization? I know he charges a lot, but it seems to me you've taken a huge step backwards with the art. If I was in a record store browsing for something new and I saw Demented Perception - I'd buy it. If I saw Derealization - I don't think I would.
I downloaded the EPs because based on first impressions you sound like you've produced something which is well worth my time. First one I put on was Derealization and I have to say I did quite enjoy it. Vocals sounded VERY Warbringer at times though. I'm just about to get onto putting on Demented Perception...

Can I ask why you didn't get Dan Seagrave to do the art for Derealization? I know he charges a lot, but it seems to me you've taken a huge step backwards with the art. If I was in a record store browsing for something new and I saw Demented Perception - I'd buy it. If I saw Derealization - I don't think I would.

Yeah the vocals is something I'm still working at. On Demented perception the band said I didn't have enough range and was too hardcore style so next time around I added more range and then they complained I sounded too much like warbringer; for the album I'll just spend a bunch of time finding whats right.

We didn't get seagrave because originally this was just going to be a sampler thing to send to labels. We didn't have any money at all and even paying for this was a huge struggle; right now we're completely broke. It's a shame that we couldn't but yeah this won't be in stores or anything so while its not as good it still works.

For the full length album which we're working all summer super hard to get money for we'll definitely be having him do art; we'll be putting a ton of money and time and effort into it to make it the best debut full length album we possibly can. Glad you liked it and hopefully you like the other ep just as much and when we release the full length I hope you like it more than both of them!
Hey man, there's fucking loads of new thrash vocalists who sound like John Kevill! I wouldn't worry, though I think the vocals sound similar on both recordings to be honest... I'm not sure if it can be helped, maybe it's because you're both from California!? :lol: Nah, If it's any consolation I just finished Demented Perception and it was pretty good (I think I prefered Derealization though). I have to stop and think when I hear a lot of new thrash and remember how much of a challenge it must be for a young thrash band to come up with something totally unique and original though...

Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck with the full-length. Oh, and the money situation! :loco:
Hey man, there's fucking loads of new thrash vocalists who sound like John Kevill! I wouldn't worry, though I think the vocals sound similar on both recordings to be honest... I'm not sure if it can be helped, maybe it's because you're both from California!? :lol: Nah, If it's any consolation I just finished Demented Perception and it was pretty good (I think I prefered Derealization though). I have to stop and think when I hear a lot of new thrash and remember how much of a challenge it must be for a young thrash band to come up with something totally unique and original though...

Anyway, keep up the good work and good luck with the full-length. Oh, and the money situation! :loco:

Glad you liked it, that's cool you like Derealization more too because we always worry what people will think of the new stuff/if they don't like it as much as the old stuff. For the full length I'll definitely have a lot of time to come up with vocal lines and try out different things in the studio so hopefully I'll be able to find a voice that's unique and different, thanks for the feedback and support!
Ok, I downloaded the songs off the link you gave, but they are in .RAR format, and I have no idea how to play them. Any advice?

yeah you download winrar to open up each respective EP and the mp3's are inside; winrar is free and really useful so it's a good download. thanks for checking them out though!
Thanks! Yeah we're moving in a more unique direction and finding our sound as time goes on and I'm definitely working on finding something that works for vocals. Any specific things you don't like about the vocals? I try to make them better but each time I change something a new group of people has something wrong with it haha; guess you can't please everyone. Thanks for checking it out though guys I appreciate it.