Politics/Religion..yes or no?

Should politics and religion be banned as topics here?

  • Yes

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • No

    Votes: 27 65.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
For the record, there is a general Chat Forum here on UM (UM Chat Forum) where you are all more than welcome to post all the political pissing and moaning you like. Because the bottom line is, regardless of the results of this poll, this forum will be moderated as to remain something the band can be proud of, not ashamed of..it appears that some folks expect free reign here, and that's simply not going to happen. The Chat forum is just that, general chat, & is not linked to any band..so when it comes to topics like these that never remain civil, feel free to take them over there. As an added bonus, there are even more people over there to argue with..consider that your "off topic board" and have fun. :)

At the risk of sounding like an ass-kisser... this is a brilliant post.

I would like to see this forum continue its high-quality content, and not devolve into the inane tomfoolery of many other forums (for example, the Nevermore forum)
Agreed Lady, the chat forum is there for a reason. I say either put an off-topic forum here, since the people on the forum are generally really fun to talk with about anything, or when the occasional political flame war pops up, move it to the chat forum (moderators can do that right?).
I say no because I do like coming here and seeing what various people think. Most of the time the posts are uninformed, but every once in a while a good point is made and may change a persons point of view on a certain topic. I say if someone is continuously flaming and and being an asshole warn them, but dont ban them right away. It will send a message.

As for the off topic place, im not so sure thats a great idea. Everyone would just go there. I mean we can't always talk about Symphony X the whole time on this board. I think the board is fine the way it is. I actually wish people replied more. This board is nowhere as near as bad as some of other forums. I also enjoy some flame every once in a while, as long as it is funny.

Again, I say warnings rather than bannings
The thing is Soul, nobody ever changes their point of view, or takes good points into consideration, it always just a huge, pointless arguement. A little flaming is funny most of the time, but a lot of flaming gets annoying.
I think I'm mature enough to discuss politics in a mature fashion. And I have the likewise maturity to ignore any post or not click on any thread with material that doesn't interest me. As such, I don't find anything to be offensive; but I do find censorship to be offensive. I fucking despise it in every form.
Originally posted by Lady of the Oracle
For the record, there is a general Chat Forum here on UM (UM Chat Forum) where you are all more than welcome to post all the political pissing and moaning you like. Because the bottom line is, regardless of the results of this poll, this forum will be moderated as to remain something the band can be proud of, not ashamed of..it appears that some folks expect free reign here, and that's simply not going to happen. The Chat forum is just that, general chat, & is not linked to any band..so when it comes to topics like these that never remain civil, feel free to take them over there. As an added bonus, there are even more people over there to argue with..consider that your "off topic board" and have fun. :)

Hm,well, your kinda right yeah. But I still prefer an off-topic section on this board, just because of the people here.
Originally posted by Prismatic Sphere
I think I'm mature enough to discuss politics in a mature fashion. And I have the likewise maturity to ignore any post or not click on any thread with material that doesn't interest me. As such, I don't find anything to be offensive; but I do find censorship to be offensive. I fucking despise it in every form.

Very well said. And again, I'd think long and hard about being a part of a forum where some things were OK to talk about and others were not. It's like being in prison and having the warden's staff going through each and every piece of mail to make sure it's free of controversial and/or dangerous content. This will be a very watered-down place.
I've said it before and I will continue saying it again and again... if you don't like the thread, why are you reading and responding? IGNORE it. I think Lemmy says it best when he says that people that are offended are usually looking to be offended. We are humans with free will...

That having been said, I come to this forum because I enjoy Symphony X very much. And I sometimes like to see what other people that listen to the same stuff I do think about current affairs. I'm capable of ignoring or engaging whenever I choose.

Is this such a hard choice to make?

Politics is a personal thing, but we should acknowledge that given the state of the world, we should be exchanging thoughts about everything.

I'd hate to think that the only way to gain insight on people's opinions is thru CNN polls!!

If the discussion of politics does indeed become banned on this forum, I would once again invite those who choose to discuss these topics to the Mainstream Resistance forum, by clicking on the last link in my signature.

If you can stand the heat.. that is.
Keep it Symphony x and music related only. It's the bands dime im sure that pays the bill for this forum and site. Maybe when the band is in down time, between records and not touring, that's usually when discussions on other topics can take place. When nothing else is going on with the band.
I agree totally w/"THE LADY".. after all this is Symphony X's forum..So I guess its really up to them what THEY would like to see on here.. I am sure what ever they decide, its not that THEY want to offend anyone, (beliefs or what?) But what THEY see as best for THIER forum.. So I guess we'll see.. either way I'll still be HERE!!! Anywhere you go there are always rules you have to follow.. So what can you do, but to just try to have fun w/what you got??
Anyways............SYMPHONY X RULES!!!!!!!!!