The (Post-Recession/Obama) Non-Batshit Politics Thread of 2015 & Beyond

Which of these best describes your views?

  • liberal

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • conservative

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • left-leaning moderate

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • right-leaning moderate

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • libertarian

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • other anti-establishment

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • apathetic

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
They weren't even comparable. Wasn't worth addressing as a result.

One word phrases can be interpretively varied, but two word phrases are very different.

Also, is the guy that said it even technically a politician?
If Sanders doesn't recant whoever said it, he is in effect advocating it. That's why everyone gave Trump shit about the KKK spokesman.

The word count in the phrase is irrelevant, your point is that words/phrases/colloquial sayings only have 1 interpretation and I countered that.
With bullshit examples that weren't comparable. You actually said he was implying that she was a prostitute that took money from corporations for sex.

You're essentially shitting on context and purposely ignoring the quote. Highlighting the word 'whore' in a sentence that involves other words that change the highlighted words meaning is dishonest and retarded.
Better comparison would be if I said "Hillary is intellectually dead" and then everybody claimed I said she was dead, deceased etc.

That's not how the English language works.
Democrats raise taxes and republicans lower them. That's all I need to know.
With bullshit examples that weren't comparable. You actually said he was implying that she was a prostitute that took money from corporations for sex.

You're essentially shitting on context and purposely ignoring the quote. Highlighting the word 'whore' in a sentence that involves other words that change the highlighted words meaning is dishonest and retarded.

No, I know what the dude meant. Notice the we in the earlier post. I'm saying whore is definitely a gendered word and there are plenty of people who will get in an uproar, especially those who support Hillary (which is basically every major media outlet that's not on the right) and is just going to fuel the fire.

You're inability to separate my opinion from the general public is ridiculous and I can't believe I have to reply to this point yet again. I'm guessing you didn't read my earlier reply which contains words like 'fag' 'retard' 'gay' so maybe re-read that and don't just get on your antiSJW soapbox

Better comparison would be if I said "Hillary is intellectually dead" and then everybody claimed I said she was dead, deceased etc.

That's not how the English language works.

That's not a better example. Dead is neutral, whore is not. Name one time a male public figure was labeled a 'whore' for anything.

It's not really up to you decide how the English language works, but all languages have context and colloquial phrases so that doesn't even make sense anyways.
And I've already told you that your one word comparisons are bullshit, and I've explained why already.

This has nothing to do with SJWs but nice try at whatever the fuck that was.

I'll be happy to give you examples of men in the public being called corporate whores, give me a second.
I don't see much evidence that Sanders is anti-war. Trump might be anti-adventurism just because it's not grand enough. The flip side of that is accelerating tensions with China.

He was one of the few to oppose the Iraq War from the start, for one.
What makes you think it was "probably mostly words"? What history does he have of being pro-war?
What makes you think it was "probably mostly words"? What history does he have of being pro-war?

Voted for the adventurism in Kosovo.
Voted for War Powers for Bush.
Voted for war spending for Afghanistan and Iraq on several occasions.
Supported the Gaza incursions (not hawkish with blood, but with treasure)
I thought it was ridiculous you cite 3 sources that are some shoddy journalist begging for someone to read their piece, which 1 included Elmo and some Kiwi. I then figured if you were taking those examples as comparable or serious, there's nothing to be said