The (Post-Recession/Obama) Non-Batshit Politics Thread of 2015 & Beyond

Which of these best describes your views?

  • liberal

    Votes: 8 25.0%
  • conservative

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • left-leaning moderate

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • right-leaning moderate

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • libertarian

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • other anti-establishment

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • apathetic

    Votes: 3 9.4%

  • Total voters
Been five years and a Trump presidency since most people replied to this thread.

Far right-wing libertarian-ish idealist, somewhat apathetic these days in practice. In bulletpoint form because I'm too lazy/tired to go in big detail...

- Soft eugenics (incentives for abortion/birth control for the underclasses/suicide for the unhealthy) and maintaining high standards for our population (low tolerance for criminals but very open borders). Turnover/recycling is an essential process in basically any system, no reason it shouldn't be applied to population of a nation.

- I'm an admirer of capitalism and free trade but think many people lack the morality and/or judgment to be good capitalists. Ideally some of them would be eliminated via point 1, but I think a healthy propaganda system to encourage good values would be very helpful. A debtor's halfway-house would be nice; don't literally throw them in prison immediately, and don't let people die because they blew their savings on a stupid new car, but take control of their lives and finances until they demonstrate some financial aptitude. Eliminate insurance and replace it with a system of loans where government pays the aggrieved quickly and the debtor pays it back similar to a mortgage or child support, over a period of decades if necessary.

- Actively attack tribal units. Cut off all public support for sports and other displays of team-identification, make political parties as informal as possible, charge families or religious representatives with crimes equivalent to those committed by the ones they are covering up for, zero tolerance for destructive protests, etc.

- Increased public surveillance/information. If the USA willed it, we could easily have bodycams for every police officer and free cameras for every citizen that desired one for their cars. Privacy ends outside of private property, no one should have the expectation of not being recorded by public or private parties.

- Near-complete ownership of self and property, as well as the right to defend either with deadly force.

tl;dr, a bigger and badder Singapore, Jefferson's U S A, and a younger Nazi Germany rolled into one.

I think I still agree with this overall except some of the stuff about loans and debts. I would clarify/specify that it would be applicable only for repayment for services rendered by the government. Chronic private over-creditors deserve zero public support.

I'm also not sure exactly what I was getting at with "charge families or religious representatives with crimes equivalent to those committed by the ones they are covering up for", but if I didn't mean literal aiding and abetting at the time, I do now. I don't believe anyone should be charged merely for moral support of a crime.

I would also emphasize sousveillance in the fourth plank, an absolute right to record ones self and to freely spread any information that could reasonably be obtained by an individual (e.g. hidden bodycams roughly eye level, not a right to shoe cameras to peek up skirts). Preventing unauthorized recording on private property by an individual should be up to the property owner, not the government.

I would also add:

Rapid downsizing and hopeful eventual elimination of intellectual property. Terms on the scale of a couple years, not decades or even over a century as we have now.

Incorporating the bill of rights against all large, government-buttressed corporations. Banks, defense contractors, public universities, etc should have no right to forbid free speech, firearm possession, etc.