desperate GOP scrapes for ways to smear Obama

But as far as the ashamed thing, I am just saying I think it is a tendency of some on the left to actually be ashamed, as it may be a tendency for some on the right to be more blindly patriotic. Neither extreme is good IMO, but the tendency of the left is potentially more destructive to the nation.

More potentially destructive than giving our government the ability to spy on all citizens' communications and to arrest us without warrants?

I second V5's :facepalm:
I'd say it's a pretty solid inductive inference, actually.

Being critical of your country is not being ashamed. If you don't criticize the negatives then you will never fix them.

lol @ people defending Michelle Obama's mouthings off.

Just face it you guys, she's a typical angry black woman who's bitter about America's history and too politically naive to keep her mouth shut about it.
Why shouldn't she be bitter, though? Is there any reason for black people to be proud of their country? I'm not saying it's a good thing, but you have to think about where people are coming from.

More potentially destructive than giving our government the ability to spy on all citizens' communications and to arrest us without warrants?

I second V5's :facepalm:
And I third it. Seriously.
Why shouldn't she be bitter, though? Is there any reason for black people to be proud of their country? I'm not saying it's a good thing, but you have to think about where people are coming from.

She can be as bitter as she wants, but it's pretty stupid to be that public about it if your husband's running for President. And it kind of calls into question how capable she is of thinking for herself as opposed to just going along with the group mentality of all the other angry blacks in her social circle.
1. You're right, anyone running for office should completely suppress their opinions and just do whatever's popular.
2. Because obviously she thinks that because other black people do and not because she came to those conclusions on her own. You don't know her, and there's no way you can just assume that she's following the group mentality.
1. You're right, anyone running for office should completely suppress their opinions and just do whatever's popular.

I'm not saying they shouldn't express their opinions, but considering how seldom that's done by people running for President, and how much of a disadvantage it can consequently put you at, it's a pretty stupid thing for the wife of a Presidential candidate to do.

2. Because obviously she thinks that because other black people do and not because she came to those conclusions on her own. You don't know her, and there's no way you can just assume that she's following the group mentality.

Tbh I've got nothing solid to suggest she's just a sheep of the "angry black" mentality. It's merely questionable that she and Barack would so closely associate themselves with someone as ridiculous as Jeremiah Wright.
Tbh I've got nothing solid to suggest she's just a sheep of the "angry black" mentality. It's merely questionable that she and Barack would so closely associate themselves with someone as ridiculous as Jeremiah Wright.

...and for so long. That is a good question. It's one of the things that amazes me about this campaign. Obama's supporters seem to be able to ignore just about anything potentially negative about Obama.
I doubt how much Obama has actually been in that church. As a politician, he's well aware of the need to be associated with the largest church in the area and to be seen as religious, so I question the authenticity and sincerity of his supposed religious convictions, as do many others.
I'm not saying they shouldn't express their opinions, but considering how seldom that's done by people running for President, and how much of a disadvantage it can consequently put you at, it's a pretty stupid thing for the wife of a Presidential candidate to do.
She does something that shows integrity but is not advantageous to her and you criticize her for it?
Pretty fuckin' hard to please, huh?

I doubt how much Obama has actually been in that church. As a politician, he's well aware of the need to be associated with the largest church in the area and to be seen as religious, so I question the authenticity and sincerity of his supposed religious convictions, as do many others.
I read his autobiography and as far as I can remember he doesn't mention religion once. I would think if he was actually religious it might have gotten some mention...
First autobiography, that is.
I doubt how much Obama has actually been in that church. As a politician, he's well aware of the need to be associated with the largest church in the area and to be seen as religious, so I question the authenticity and sincerity of his supposed religious convictions, as do many others.

I guess he has said conflicting things. In 2004 he said he regularly attended, and more recently he said he regularly attended until the birth of his daughter, after which is was less regular. He's not stupid. Of course he knew the type of messages that were delivered there. It's an issue that, if it were any other candidate, people would not let it drop. But Obama seems to have people mesmerized and they don't care about anything. They just love him.
EITHER WAY however, even if Obama is a bit racist I don't see the consequences of that being nearly as grave as the consequences of having another Republican in office who most likely does not believe in regulation of the financial industry nor in the clearly-demonstrated effectiveness of socialised health care.
I tried to watch the debate (I had taped it). It sucked, so I turned it off. I get tired of them alternately accusing each other, defending themselves and touting their past behaviors. All this while typically ignoring the main point of the questions.
Quite frankly the debates are not nearly as important in evaluating the candidates as examining their policy positions and history of governance. The debates are pretty much just another campaigning outlet for the candidates. They're not going to answer the questions for shit if doing so would endanger their campaign.

Watching the first debate was interesting enough to me, but the second one was almost word-for-word a rehash of the first, and generally a waste of my time.
Quite frankly the debates are not nearly as important in evaluating the candidates as examining their policy positions and history of governance. The debates are just another campaigning outlet for the candidates.

Maybe if they debated it would be better. They should call them something else.

Watching the first debate was interesting enough to me, but the second one was almost word-for-word a rehash of the first, and generally a waste of my time.

Same here.
He has to say he attended church in order to not be painted an evil atheist of d00m.

After we get a negroid president next on the list is an atheist president. Now that would be some progress, but I suppose about half of America wouldn't be able to deal with that. I can only wish death on them.