Will the real Barack Obama please stand up?

Classy move, Krig. Avoid admitting you're wrong by blaming the "liberal mob" that refuses to listen to reason.
Why the fuck doesn't anyone listen. I am not hearing any fucking convincing argument for any of this propaganda's defense. Let's hear it conservatives. Do you actually have anything truthful to say or are you gonna continue the stereotype of stupidity, lack of logic and reasoning, or even basic fucking thought ability, or are you gonna pretend we're bullying you. lol this is pathetic, i'm even sick of being nice and happy about it. It's really fucking pathetic. Bunch of morons.
/shrug it was never physically provided. Computers allow amazing forgeries these days. If it really was a baseless suit why did it take them so long to throw it out?

Not that having McCain in office would be any better than Obama. I really haven't been able to figure which one is worse, although Palin is kind of tipping the scales.
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Do you honestly think that anybody on this board is enamored with Obama in that way? Come on man, get your head out of your ass and focus on who you're talking to. There are always people who view their candidate as incontrovertibly perfect, Obama is in no way an exception.

Yeah, and interesting about how McCain will set his supporters straight if they get out of line, but Obama will not.

First of all, how do you know that he doesn't correct the false statements of his supporters? Secondly, that was the only time I've ever seen McCain get sick of his own propaganda being fired back at him. He regularly lets it all slide. He's been trying to convince people that he's un-American for months now, it's not much of a saving grace when something thinks something stupid BECAUSE YOU MADE THEM THINK IT and then you correct them by pointing out that he's a "good family man", thereby implying a causation between being non-Muslim and loving your family.
I really don't think most of you guys are enamored in that way. Most of those who discuss politics on this board are definitely more intelligent than all that, IMO. I think it is more accurate to say that most of the people here are just very liberal in their views, and that lines up with Obama.

Regardless of the reasons, you're all wrong. :)
Ack, I could just as soon argue that the conservative media are demonising Obama and grossly playing up the 'question marks' in his past to the point of absurdity. Your accusation that the media is 'covering up' Obama's past is pointless unless there's actually some serious evidence that he's anti-American. I think I'm just as entitled to fear Palin for her associations with Bishop Muthee, but I wouldn't go from there to presume that she's going to turn the U.S. into a Christian theocracy and start persecuting 'infidels'.

Basically, I really don't think it matters how much people play up or play down the uncertainties about the candidates as long as there's nothing substantial behind these uncertainties. In a cost-benefit analysis of the candidates, I find the risk that Obama is a terrorist negligible compared to the potential benefit of his policy views.
/shrug it was never physically provided. Computers allow amazing forgeries these days. If it really was a baseless suit why did it take them so long to throw it out?

If you're honestly suggesting that it's a forgery you should just stay home on Tuesday as you are clearly too stupid to be allowed a vote.

And where are you getting this "never physically provided" crap? I'm just wondering because if you're going to go ahead and assume shit without even attempting to back it up, this is all pretty pointless.

Furthermore, the suit was brought in August and dismissed in October. Two months ain't exactly an eternity. I don't know how such a legal proceeding would work, nor do I care to look into it, but since we're assuming things anyway, I'm going to guess that a legal proceeding of such a frivolous nature would move slowly.
All I am suggesting, is that it looks suspicious as fuck to me, that when a suit is brought that merely requires as physical presentation of a birth certificate, and all Obama had to do is send a lackey down there with one to settle it, and it never happened.....then why not?

Berg's suit was thrown out not because of what he was asking for, it was because he didn't show a good reason for why it needed to be seen.

I'll be at work Tuesday being thankful I will only have one year left with a shitty commander-in-chief, regardless which worthless s.o.b. gets elected.