desperate GOP scrapes for ways to smear Obama

I really do think Obama does not give a shit about religion, and is just paying lip service to it. The only reason he was at Rev. Wright's church was because that's where the black people that matter in Chicago go. You want to be critical of him following the pack, ok. But I won't buy for a second that he even payed attention while he was there.
You really want to love him, don't you?

Are you fucking serious? No. Is there any indication other than him having to say he's Christian that he should be Christian or religious in any other way? His policies certainly do not reflect any ideas about his theological views, and his father was a super-atheist with his mom (iirc) not being religious at all. He doesn't mention religion in his autobiographies.
Are you fucking serious? No. Is there any indication other than him having to say he's Christian that he should be Christian or religious in any other way? His policies certainly do not reflect any ideas about his theological views, and his father was a super-atheist with his mom (iirc) not being religious at all. He doesn't mention religion in his autobiographies.

I wouldn't be surprised either way whether he believes in Christianity or not.