the dynamite politics thread

I find this an interesting double standard in America, it's ok to go to war and kill thousands of people cos
it's "gods" plan (according to Palin that stupid VP wannabe trailor trash ho), but then this guy gets put on
trial for murder, even tho he was just listening to "god" tell him what to do.

Why would the Washington shooter be more wrong in his killing of evil than Palin/McBush/Bush in theirs?
Why is the single, non-politician guy wrong when he's on a missing from "god" but the politicians arent?
They are all listening to that invisible fuckhead, I think they all should be charged with murder.

At least the Washington shooter was killing Americans.

I find the comments about this hilarious:
Before someone goes off on an anti-religion rant, keep in mind that this guy is mental, and would have blamed these murders on something else if there was no religion.

Um, yes, so, Palin/McCain/Bush are also mental, why would they be any different from this guy?
any take on the chavez crisis? i know too little on the topic to understand if it's serious or not.
any take on the chavez crisis? i know too little on the topic to understand if it's serious or not.
i haven't followed it very closely to be sure what's going on, but i've been under the impression that he annoys them and they've been trying to get him for some time now. would be nice to get some input from someone who knows more.
Elements within in his own military tried to have him removed in 2002, and the Bush administration was quick to recognize the coup. But other Latin American governments, most critically Mexico, refused to recognize the unconstitutional government that the coup plotters tried to set up. Chavez has, since that time, made it a point to harass American interests whenever possible.

But he's stepped it up a notch. He considers Evo M****es, Bolivia's president, to be a natural ideological ally, and M****es has faced essentially a low level insurrection against his plans to redistribute the income from Bolivia's energy resources to the indigenous majority in the hinterlands (who do not live in the areas said gas deposits are found). The situation in Bolivia has been spiraling out of control lately, so he blamed the U.S. ambassador for the unrest. Whether this is true or not, the image of the U.S. ambassador in Latin America is sort of a Darth Vader figure, so among his supporters such accusations do the damage of truth. Ditto for Chavez. So Chavez expelled the U.S. ambassador to Venezuela too, as a show of solidarity.

Chavez, however, is letting Russian bombers and naval personnel station in his country. So it will get more interesting pretty soon. Chavez and M****es have faced significant domestic opposition lately, so it behooves them to find a scapegoat as soon as they can. The Bush administration does itself no favors, as the 2002 episode suggests, so that's as good of a target as any.

Letting bombers into Venezuela is a pretty significant escalation, though. There's no ideological reason to it, as the Russians aren't exactly committed to social justice or fair distribution of the world's energy resources. =)

Edit: what the fuck? Evo M****es is censored? FASCISM!
It's not my impression that the U.S. feels that strongly about Evo, even among the Bush administration, because domestically he's far, far weaker than Chavez. The U.S. also gives Evo millions and millions of dollars for anti-drug trafficking operations, so while they don't mind seeing his boat get rocked, instability has its price.

Evo definitely is frosty with the Americans, which is the reason he had no qualms about blaming them for domestic unrest in Bolivia (which is mostly of his own doing).