Country of shit, politics of whit, corruption etc. - Serious thread

The Gas Tax holiday idea actually failed for Hillary. Turns out Americans aren't as stupid as she thought. My favorite thing that happened because of that was when she was talking to George Stephanopolis and he said "Every economist says this is a bad idea for the economy" and she said "I'm not going to throw my lot in with economists". :erk:
I have smoked, so I'm going to give it a shot. *lights a cigarette*

People suck. People are going to do evil, corrupt things. People are going to abuse power. It's just human nature. The reason that capitalism exists is to avoid having one person or group being able to take control of the power in order to abuse it. Thus, anti-trust legislation and the like. I think that a mixed market economy is the best system, but I think that America's current system isn't mixed enough. I think we need to have more environmental legislation, more anti-price gouging legislation, more legislation that focuses on the ills of capitalism, and try to fix the problems that exist rather than drop kicking the whole works out the window, especially with no viable alternatives.
That's what I meant. Capitalism can't run unchecked and still be a decent system, I think we can agree. So, I think that America and most other countries (I hesitate to overgeneralize) need to have strong laws in place that limit the evils of capitalism as much as possible while keeping the freedom of consumers and businesses as intact as possible.
Thread partially cleaned.

Hub and the rest, keep on topic and quit your bitching at each other. If you don't like someone's opinions, feel free to refute, but let's keep the personal insults out of it.

That said, anyone trying to get any last parting remarks in about it, will kiss the ban hammer for a few days. I'm (and others) not interested.

Back on topic.