Country of shit, politics of shit, corruption etc. - Serious thread

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Nov 26, 2005
Now, I'm from Italy. And here the politics' situation is this: there are many members of our parliament who are in collusion with Mafia; it was verified by a Corte di Cassazione's (I don't know what's the translation for this) sentence that one of our senators (Giulio Andreotti) has been a member of the Mafia until 1980; there are some private citisens - who have a clean record - (for example the association "Qui Milano Libera") who got together against corruption and are treated by politicians and policemen like criminals. And I could go on still a lot. Now, we're all from different countries, and fundamentally I want to ask you all a question: is the situation, in your countries, similar to ours?
I don't know about the mafia, but in a nutshell, I feel like few if any of the Congressmen and Senators are working for the people. They are just working to get re-elected, even if it means compromising everything they "stand for."
Worse, my country's plagued by idiots, liars and people with agendas. In short, America has it way worse in the cerebral department.
It would seem all the major political parties here just say/(sometimes) do shit to get votes. I'd rather vote for a party I didn't really believe in like the BNP just because they may actually stick to their views and carry them through.

That said, I don't vote. None of the parties have more views in common with me than they do opposite.
In all due seriousness, the States and Italy are both in colossal piles of shit, financially speaking. The Euro was a mistake as those who go heavily into debt e.g. Italy, Greece, Portugal must be made to take their medicine through depreciated currencies and higher interest rates, otherwise risk is improperly-priced and economic dislocations emerge.

As for America, I hate it. The banter is insipid, the culture and mores are putrid, and there are nay jobs. Most of the people cannot be bothered to think critically or read more than a headline, and thus receive the government they deserve. Thus why I shall be emigrating where they are paying the most for electrical engineers.
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