Yes, and Croatia has allowed Slovenia that passage. But Slovenia is claiming that a larger extension of the sea is theirs and that they can use it for other purposes than just passage (i.e. exploiting the resources).Vizjaqtaar said:Back during the times of Yugoslavia, Slovenia had a small passage leading to the open sea. We're claiming something that existed for many a year.
Slovenia has twisted a country-to-country matter into a bigger issue by bringing up EU where it has nothing to do. They've also turned a simple sea-boundary discussion into a land-boundary issue (Dragonja River). And they've created confusion by first trying to stand between Croatia and its EU-membership and trying to back themselves up with the whole EU and then going "no, we won't bring EU into this and this won't stop Croatia from entering the EU". Please tell me who's twisting things.Vizjaqtaar said:We've been way too friendly for the past 16 years, that's why this problem still exists. Slovenia goes a bit lower with their demands trying to make a compromise, but what does Croatia do? Takes it and gives nothing in return, but rather makes this new state the basis for their demands. Or uses cadastre mapes to define boundaries, of course only where it fits them. Bah, they're twisting it every possible way to get everything and give nothing in return.
Yes, Croatia didn't live up to the contract, but Slovenia is demanding too-much, claiming things that aren't true and bringing up the Dragonja issue where it has nothing to do with anything (plus if the border was established at the site of the river years ago and now the river has moved that's no reason to change the border).Vizjaqtaar said:Actually some 5 years ago both country leaders signed a compromise... And it hasn't been the evil Slovenian parliament that rejected it.
What do you mean? How has Croatia violated the land border? (I'm not denying it, i'm asking you because i don't know.)Vizjaqtaar said:but even if Slovenian's fishing ships violate the undefined border, so does Croatia on the land.
Agreed that it isn't a EU matter, and i know that EU doesn't want in. But Slovenia did try to back itself up with EU (though they changed their minds later). And it was mentioned that the issue with Slovenia was one of the things standing in the way of Croatia's EU-membership.Vizjaqtaar said:This however is a completely bilateral issue and the EU has nothing to do with it, nor does it want to, nor does them Slovenia want to. It also has nothing to do with Croatia not being in the EU, they have more important problems to solve to be able to enter.
Viz: I sense great anger in your post. I do not intend to turn this into a fight or anything, i merely want to discuss the Croatia-Slovenia issue. I'm not a croatian (yet), and i definitely don't have anything to do with the government or the people in power to solve the issue, so no need to get all jumpy here.

No wonder; makes sense that someone from an aggressor country is on another aggressor's side.hyena said:WAR! VIOLENCE! BLOODSHEED!
I am with the Serbs, just for the sake of it.