The United States of America vs.....the European Union

Yes one good thing about American people is that the vast majority are indeed very friendly people who will do all they can to help you out. The idea of the average American citizen isnt the problem (or maybe it is considering the apathy in this country) but rather the country's principles/beliefs/ideas.
I am Australian, but I feel that's gunna mean anything soon. The whole continent of Australia (Oceania, Australasia - whatever the fuck you wanna call it) will be lifted by huge gigantuan helicopters and dumped in ther grand canyon, thus creating the 50-somethingth American state: 'JohnHowardisaBushlovinghomo' ..... aahhh I could be serious about it.. and that respone was semi-serious in some way.. but I can't be bothered..
I think this thread has been moved into something like three different forums simultaneously...

There are things I agree with you all on about this, i.e. the US has foreign policy problems, and corporate business has become a virtual terror, but I'm sure my reasoning is different. I always have these conversations with lefties, and they always think I'm on their side until I tell them why. I am a PALEO-conservative, or an actual conservative if you want (actually I think the whole conservative-liberal distinction has become obsolete, but I digress). I am for the preservation and furtherance of my own Southern, American, and European heritage, and yes, my race as well (and I consider that a valid desire for all races of men).

I am against enormous, international bureaucratic corporations because they undermine national sovereignty. They ruin precious culture and reduce everything from food to art into worthlessness; down to the lowest common denominator. They have no allegiance or care for any nation, race, or creed. They seek the eradication of national borders to get at the cheap labor and to open up new markets - meanwhile the West dies and the third world gets exploited.

I am also against the Iraq War (though in the wake of 9/11 I was as for it as anyone) because I recognize that America's interests are not being served whatsoever. I do not delude myself when the obvious is staring me in the face - the WMD tale was nothing but propaganda; it's indefensible. I do not even believe the official version of events about 9/11, and see a distinct trace of Mossad in the whole thing. It reeks of the Lavon Affair.

You should know that the "neo-cons" are not conservatives. They are not even American in my opinion. They are Israeli (most, like Michael Chertoff, qualify for Israeli citizenship), and most of them were devoted Trotskyites until a decade or so ago. It's a pretty damn huge turn around to go from lifelong Trotsky devotee to pretending to be 'right wing'. The only thing that remains constant is a devotion to Israel.

And, to the original poster's point - I love Europe, too. Most Americans still trace their roots to Celtic and Germanic peoples, and I love the history and cultures of my own ancestral line. Hell, I don't even dislike the French. I'd like 'em even more if they'de elect Le Pen. However, it saddens me that Europe will meet its demographic doom even sooner than the US, and at least on the outside it seems that most Europeans could care less. I guess Spengler was right after all when he cast Europe as the "Faustian" civilization.

Its tragically ironic that peoples that have survived ages of war, plagues, and everything else to have their civilizations reach enormous pinnacles of art, science, and technology as has European man, now, when so much has been achieved, choose to abort and sodomize themselves out of existence. Its like being lost adrift at sea, and miraculously making it back to civilization alive, only to commit suicide. To subsidize your welfare states, you import hordes of africans and arabs who have real and imagined grievances with you, or have been spurred on to hatred by Frankfurt School neo-Marxist propaganda about how the white man is intrinsically evil and oppressive. The Greeks didn't have it this easy at Troy - they at least had to hide in a big wooden horse to get inside their enemy's walls. You Europeans just invite the enemy in, give him money, give him your daughters, and stretch out your neck politely for the killing blow.

Its damned depressing.

So, as you can see, I am a right-wing American, but George Bush sure as hell doesn't represent me. The question is - does that make me worse or better in your eyes? :grin:
Wandrail said:
Its tragically ironic that peoples that have survived ages of war, plagues, and everything else to have their civilizations reach enormous pinnacles of art, science, and technology as has European man, now, when so much has been achieved, choose to abort and sodomize themselves out of existence. Its like being lost adrift at sea, and miraculously making it back to civilization alive, only to commit suicide. To subsidize your welfare states, you import hordes of africans and arabs who have real and imagined grievances with you, or have been spurred on to hatred by Frankfurt School neo-Marxist propaganda about how the white man is intrinsically evil and oppressive. The Greeks didn't have it this easy at Troy - they at least had to hide in a big wooden horse to get inside their enemy's walls. You Europeans just invite the enemy in, give him money, give him your daughters, and stretch out your neck politely for the killing blow.

That's very well said. I tend to agree. The 'altruism' of a lot of European nations will ultimately be their downfall. Australia, in fact, is following down an all too similar path.

One of the fundamental principles that the PCists in this country hold so dear to their hearts is the idea of 'multi-culturalism' when in reality what we really have is some poly-culturalist society in which all ethnic groups exist, segregated from one another. I live in a middle eastern 'ghetto' type suburb (and no, I'm not middle eastern, I'm slavic) and the tension is just evident. Whenever I walk around I see trash that's failed to assimilate into white anglo-saxon society. I understand that as a slavic person, an immigrant into this country that I'm a guest more than anything else. I owe it to the Australian nation to live by their standards and function correctly in their society. But in this blatantly disregardful opening of their borders to all sorts of immigrants from Asia and other places (my own country included), we've brought in the very same principles that they hold to heart so dearly. Disease, war, mistrust etc.

This, now ethnic majority, in the country is tearing it apart from the inside. We don't function as one unified society, but more as warring tribes.

Don Corleone said:
and on the topic of girls: i have always observed that men tend to bash their country's female population and look up to other nations'. funny thing

I think that's because only a select few countries produce quality women :). By that I mean in a strictly superficial sense though. Australia certainly doesn't produce good looking women... the anglos just don't have it in their genes. Most of the attractive girls here are from italy, netherlands, germany, sweden, russia/ukraine etc.
Moonlapse said:
I think that's because only a select few countries produce quality women :). By that I mean in a strictly superficial sense though. Australia certainly doesn't produce good looking women... the anglos just don't have it in their genes. Most of the attractive girls here are from italy, netherlands, germany, sweden, russia/ukraine etc.
attractive is subjective :p

I was speaking on a personality-based level, which is more objective, though not entirely of course. And IMO personality is more key than appearance. If a country's population are a majority of assholes, that's marks down for me, etc.
The immigration into European countries is a big problem, I agree. The racism is a problem, too. I think as long as the USA continues to impose its will upon other nations which causes 'bad things' to happen, the tolerance in Europe and the rest of the world will rise.
BreathingShadow said:
nobody cares about what anyone here thinks about any country...if you dont like america, move out like the first guy....everybody has to be a fuckin politician
I agree 100%!!! I've been in more than one country serving the U.S.A. and have had the privelege of seeing how we get these countries backs
(I won't be naming countries to avoid offending certain ones...I'll leave it open to all of europe) and how they shit on us every chance they get, knowing that we never turn our backs on those in need. The E.U. is a joke!!
and it's goal is to make America look bad despite all our past charities and defense (There's a country of very smelly people who we have fought EVERY WAR for them...And do you think they're grateful for anything we've done??)

So to the guy who's back and now leaving...renounce your citzenship if America is that bad and offensive to you...I doubt you'll be missed!!

BreathingShadow said:
just listen to opeth and talk about opeth or shut up
opeth is GAY!!! They should shove their keyboards right up their asses!!
I hope this satisfies your need for opeth talk.
T_man357 said:
I agree 100%!!! I've been in more than one country serving the U.S.A. and have had the privelege of seeing how we get these countries backs
(I won't be naming countries to avoid offending certain ones...I'll leave it open to all of europe) and how they shit on us every chance they get, knowing that we never turn our backs on those in need. The E.U. is a joke!!
and it's goal is to make America look bad despite all our past charities and defense (There's a country of very smelly people who we have fought EVERY WAR for them...And do you think they're grateful for anything we've done??)

So to the guy who's back and now leaving...renounce your citzenship if America is that bad and offensive to you...I doubt you'll be missed!!

opeth is GAY!!! They should shove their keyboards right up their asses!!

I hope this satisfies your hope for opeth talk.

All this coming from a man with a gun pointed at everyone for an avatar and 'locked and loaded' as his avatar heading. Youre just the kind of ignoramus I'm thankful to leave behind.
Devy_Metal said:
All this coming from a man with a gun pointed at everyone for an avatar and 'locked and loaded' as his avatar heading. Youre just the kind of ignoramus I'm thankful to leave behind.

Don't let the door hit ya..etc...
in limbow said:
Ok, shut up with your "love it or leave it" bullshit, its called freedom of speech, last time I checked it's perfectly normal and healthy to criticise the country you live in. You can't improve without criticism

Good, then it is my freedom of speech to tell ya to get the fuck out. The U.S.A., despite it's many flaws, is the best place on earth. If you are so pro-active with your freedoms then get off this message board and go fucking do something. There is nothing worse than whiners. I don't like the current administration either, but that is the plate we have been served. So take a big spoonful of shit and get over it and get off your ass and try to do something for your community. I volunteer my time for state campaigns, shelters and the humane society. So if you aren't helping out your fellow man or trying to actually make a difference in people's lives then you are in my way..So try to use some of your many other freedoms rather than just bitching....I can see why you hate liberals, T-Man:yow: :yow:
MyHatred said:
Good, then it is my freedom of speech to tell ya to get the fuck out. The U.S.A., despite it's many flaws, is the best place on earth. If you are so pro-active with your freedoms then get off this message board and go fucking do something. There is nothing worse than whiners. I don't like the current administration either, but that is the plate we have been served. So take a big spoonful of shit and get over it and get off your ass and try to do something for your community. I volunteer my time for state campaigns, shelters and the humane society. So if you aren't helping out your fellow man or trying to actually make a difference in people's lives then you are in my way..So try to use some of your many other freedoms rather than just bitching....I can see why you hate liberals, T-Man:yow: :yow:

I've said it before...And I'll say it again...YOU DA MAN HATRED!!!!!
Aside from being one of the coolest people in all of UM...You're definetly the coolest democrat I've ever met!! Way to lay the lumber on that clown!
:yow: :yow: :yow: :yow:
Devy_Metal said:
I feel so, so bad for you.

You can feel Maragaret Thatcher's wrinkled old pussy for all I care. If you sit around being complacement and whining on a message board about how corporate America is and how it doesn't cater to pathetic losers like yourself, then knock yourself out and get the fuck out of America. We have enough pathetic losers that sit around and demand change but won't get off their ass long enough to try and make any...You will do well in France
MyHatred said:
You can feel Maragaret Thatcher's wrinkled old pussy for all I care. If you sit around being complacement and whining on a message board about how corporate America is and how it doesn't cater to pathetic losers like yourself, then knock yourself out and get the fuck out of America. We have enough pathetic losers that sit around and demand change but won't get off their ass long enough to try and make any...You will do well in France

Please tell me why the US is the greatest place in the world. Im very curious. What makes the US 'greater' than say, Italy, or England or France?