I think this thread has been moved into something like three different forums simultaneously...
There are things I agree with you all on about this, i.e. the US has foreign policy problems, and corporate business has become a virtual terror, but I'm sure my reasoning is different. I always have these conversations with lefties, and they always think I'm on their side until I tell them
why. I am a PALEO-conservative, or an actual conservative if you want (actually I think the whole conservative-liberal distinction has become obsolete, but I digress). I am for the preservation and furtherance of my own Southern, American, and European heritage, and yes, my race as well (and I consider that a valid desire for all races of men).
I am against enormous, international bureaucratic corporations because they undermine national sovereignty. They ruin precious culture and reduce everything from food to art into worthlessness; down to the lowest common denominator. They have no allegiance or care for any nation, race, or creed. They seek the eradication of national borders to get at the cheap labor and to open up new markets - meanwhile the West dies and the third world gets exploited.
I am also against the Iraq War (though in the wake of 9/11 I was as for it as anyone) because I recognize that America's interests are not being served whatsoever. I do not delude myself when the obvious is staring me in the face - the WMD tale was nothing but propaganda; it's indefensible. I do not even believe the official version of events about 9/11, and see a distinct trace of Mossad in the whole thing. It reeks of the Lavon Affair.
You should know that the "neo-cons" are not conservatives. They are not even American in my opinion. They are Israeli (most, like Michael Chertoff, qualify for Israeli citizenship), and most of them were devoted Trotskyites until a decade or so ago. It's a pretty damn huge turn around to go from lifelong Trotsky devotee to pretending to be 'right wing'. The only thing that remains constant is a devotion to Israel.
And, to the original poster's point - I love Europe, too. Most Americans
still trace their roots to Celtic and Germanic peoples, and I love the history and cultures of my own ancestral line. Hell, I don't even dislike the French. I'd like 'em even more if they'de elect Le Pen. However, it saddens me that Europe will meet its demographic doom even sooner than the US, and at least on the outside it seems that most Europeans could care less. I guess Spengler was right after all when he cast Europe as the "Faustian" civilization.
Its tragically ironic that peoples that have survived ages of war, plagues, and everything else to have their civilizations reach enormous pinnacles of art, science, and technology as has European man, now, when so much has been achieved, choose to abort and sodomize themselves out of existence. Its like being lost adrift at sea, and miraculously making it back to civilization alive, only to commit suicide. To subsidize your welfare states, you import hordes of africans and arabs who have real and imagined grievances with you, or have been spurred on to hatred by Frankfurt School neo-Marxist propaganda about how the white man is intrinsically evil and oppressive. The Greeks didn't have it this easy at Troy - they at least had to hide in a big wooden horse to get inside their enemy's walls. You Europeans just invite the enemy in, give him money, give him your daughters, and stretch out your neck politely for the killing blow.
Its damned depressing.
So, as you can see, I am a right-wing American, but George Bush sure as hell doesn't represent me. The question is - does that make me worse or better in your eyes?