That's very well said. I tend to agree. The 'altruism' of a lot of European nations will ultimately be their downfall. Australia, in fact, is following down an all too similar path.
One of the fundamental principles that the PCists in this country hold so dear to their hearts is the idea of 'multi-culturalism' when in reality what we really have is some poly-culturalist society in which all ethnic groups exist, segregated from one another. I live in a middle eastern 'ghetto' type suburb (and no, I'm not middle eastern, I'm slavic) and the tension is just evident. Whenever I walk around I see trash that's failed to assimilate into white anglo-saxon society. I understand that as a slavic person, an immigrant into this country that I'm a guest more than anything else. I owe it to the Australian nation to live by their standards and function correctly in their society. But in this blatantly disregardful opening of their borders to all sorts of immigrants from Asia and other places (my own country included), we've brought in the very same principles that they hold to heart so dearly. Disease, war, mistrust etc.
This, now ethnic majority, in the country is tearing it apart from the inside. We don't function as one unified society, but more as warring tribes.