free waves plugin

Don't get me wrong, I respect these guys but was never a fan of Hendrix's music. I purely watched it for the free plugin.
Played with the plugin a little and it's basically some kind of eq with built in reverb, delay and flanger. Nothing to get excited about but it was for free...
Played with the plugin a little and it's basically some kind of eq with built in reverb, delay and flanger. Nothing to get excited about but it was for free...

Isn't that what all of their "name" series actually is.The same bunch of plugins
repackaged many times,so not only Waves can continue to make money off their old plugins,but also Kramer,jjp,abbey road etc …everybody wins,except customers.

Of course I realise I'm saying obvious things here,what I don't understand is why pro's use these series of plugs.According to info from SOS and the like.
Fuck I just wasted an hour of my life watching it lol

Yeah there were things that sucked shit about that show:

1. The idol worship of Jimmy. Fuck I liked the guy, but I didn't tune in to hear you verbally suck the cock of a dead guitarist.

2. The JJP thing. Jesus who the fuck cares about that who is watching. Great JJP is at a huge electronics expo, I have exactly 0 interest in watching a show were he shows up electronics shit that has little to do with pro audio.

3. His sister. For some reason she just fucking rubbed me wrong.

4. Not enough time spent on answering questions. Seriously they did what 6 of them? THE FUCK?

That said, I dug the bass playing and found the talk about him to actually be interesting (his life experiences etc...). If the the whole thing was about that I probably would have been happier.

I also wouldn't have minded if they focused on the studio experience more with Hendrix, gear used etc...

Also: yeah :lol:, I tried 2 emails and they sent the free plugin to both. Basically you did not have to sign up to watch that shit to get the plug, but you had to watch to get the information.