

Aug 27, 2003
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I know that there was a post a while ago ago this plugin, but I read somewhere else that you(Dan) used it on the Bloodbath guitar tone. Is this true, and if it is, what did you use as a sample tone?
Yeah. I know he used it on Crimson II, and applied the "loudness curve" from Korn's new album to it as well, but I was just wondering if it was true that he used it on Ressurection Through Carnage.
Got me. Anyways, thats an awesome tone, and can anyone tell me anywhere else where Freefilter has been used, and what it sampled, so I can review and compare?
I used a Boss HM2 pedal straight into Digitech GNX2 then I free filtered with a sample from Entombed's left hand path album. The whole mix got a bash of At The Gates 'slaughter of the soul' which sounds fine and agressive.
Sometimes when I record cover songs for bands, I use the original as a source to get a similar vibe.

This band I'm recording now covered Kreator, and I'll post a link if you want to hear some examples or Freefilter. Also you could hear some super lo-fi insane thrash.