freeman and foxx winning academy awards


Feb 21, 2003
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i did not see either movie, they may very well have deserved the oscar, but from now on you will never see an academy awards where a black actor doesnt win a major category. think of the major categories like best/supporting actor/actress. because of political correctness if a black actor doesnt get nominated it is racsist. if a black actor/actors do not win at least one major award it is racsist. the norm has just been set, since 2 black actors won this year, it will become an every year occurence now. now like in other aspects of life they will feel obligated to nominate sub-par actors/performances ( jamie foxx in collateral) and worthy actors/performances will be overlooked and shut-out, thanks political correctness:wave: . all the media had to do was hammer p.c. crap down everyones throat, and now you get nominations for jamie foxx's performance in collateral :yell: . expect this shit every year from now on folks.

p.s. i dont give a flying fuck about hollywood or the academy awards, but political correctness chaps my ass.
I couldn't agree with you guys more!! I've said it about 1000 times and even wrote a song about it...All political correctness is, is censorship wearing a mask!!
And we have the bullshit clinton admin to thank for it!!!

Oh yeah....I thought you guys really had your shit together when you let the Iron Sheik join forces with you...

Fuck political correctness!!! Fuck clinton!!!

Momo said:
I agree with you Ivan Koloff wholeheartedly and cannot stand the politically correct climate we live in. I have written about it here and on my site.
By the way I loved your tag team work with Nikolai Volkov in the late 70's and 80's.

Best Regards,

A few guys I hope the Hall Of Fame remembers eventually......

"Leaping" Lanny Poffo (This guy had talent!! not to mention a connection in the family)

"Iron" Mike Sharpe (The guy used a foreign object in every match....How cool is that??)

"The Genius" (See 1st guy)

Mr.Fugi (The guy threw salt in everyones eyes!! You'd think they'd be expecting it)

"B" Brian Blair (Fuck Jeff Hardy!! it's all about "B" Brian Blair baby!!)

"The Brooklyn Brawler" (Wrestling politics kept this all time great from achieving legend status)

"Virgil, The Bodyguard" (Kept The Money Man safe!!)

"Hillbilly Jim" (Same politics kept him down...Because he was inbred)

"Pistol Pete Doherty"(Can't say enough good things about this guy!!)

Salvatore Bellimo (They didn't like him cause he's a guinea)

"Big" Swede Hansen (They didn't like his name)

There's SO many more deserving guys...But I'll continue the list at a later date. Oh yeah...One more thing.....:yow:

Oblivious Maximus said:
The Sheik is also being inducted into the Hall of Fame this year.
No "Virgil the bodyguard"?? No "Genius"??
It's a fucking travesty of justice!!! Crypto, Boycott the ceremonies!!!
We got to stand up for Mr. Fugi! it was too classic the way he threw salt at everybody!!

Oblivious Maximus said:
Here is who is being inducted so far this year:

"Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorf
The Iron Sheik
Nikolai Volkov
Cowboy Bob Orton
"The Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper
Hulk Hogan
There's something about :yow: That just makes me laugh....I don't know what it is, But at least I know that the people on this board are cool enough to deal with it until I get bored enough to stop....Unlike all the other pussies
(Iced Earth board especially) who piss, moan and cry about it....But I guess that's what bitches do...This is for all of them....:yow:

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Oh yeah...One more thing.....:yow: T Man

:tickled: :tickled: :tickled: :tickled: Thats funny as hell
T_man357 said:
There's something about :yow: That just makes me laugh....I don't know what it is, But at least I know that the people on this board are cool enough to deal with it until I get bored enough to stop....Unlike all the other pussies
(Iced Earth board especially) who piss, moan and cry about it....But I guess that's what bitches do...This is for all of them....:yow:

I just love this bigeyed fuck :yow: seriously!

:yow: rules!!!!!!
T Man's academy award speech: Thank you, Thank You. I would just like to say that it is truly an honor to win such an award. I mean to be in the same category as o_O and:zombie: is just amazing to me. I would like to thank :oops: ,:guh: ,:err: ,:Smokin: ,:heh: and last not but least :kickass: Thank you and :yow:
:lol: :lol:

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
T Man's academy award speech: Thank you, Thank You. I would just like to say that it is truly an honor to win such an award. I mean to be in the same category as o_O and:zombie: is just amazing to me. I would like to thank :oops: ,:guh: ,:err: ,:Smokin: ,:heh: and last not but least :kickass: Thank you and :yow: