Freewriting Exercise


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Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
With a massive lack of motivation the past few days, moping around massive depression anxiety etc etc. out of nowhere I decided to take my frustrations and just completely start free writing. Played one progression on my guitar without thinking, put it down and started programming.

I later figured it could go in a song I have been trying to write (20+ minute epic) ending Orchestra.mp3
sounds nice, but misses some percussion imo.
the build up towards the end is cool, but the first half is a bit fatiguing.
good stuff!
but the first half is a bit fatiguing.

I take it you are not a Dream Theater fan?

like I said that was a completely freewriting of the top of the head rough draft, maybe some tempo changes and other productions will give it less of a drag feeling. there will be acoustic guitars over most parts and during the repeat and tension buildup, there will be a tempo increase and the rest of the band will kick back in. At least thats the idea, the song has been a work in progress for 4 years so any ideas could be memories lol.
I'm a huge DT fan, but i just think as it is now it takes too long to get to the great parts...even if you need a beginning like that to create an epic build up towards the end.
i just meant at this state of progress i wouldnt use it as a single thing listen to...but it would work great as some sort of soundtrack i think.
anyway, your plan sounds awesome, and i think you're heading to a killer track \m/
lol yeah i know that sometimes you just need to do SOMETHING to remember never know when you will make something out of them