I have 2 other bootlegs: Vicenza and Barcelona, both from the ghost of the spring tour. They are much better than the live in Paris. I will put it on share as soon as Soulseek is fixed. My slsk username is deadhouse...
Uh... Actually I'm fairly sure the band doesn't mind exchange of live bootlegs, except that particular recent concert they didn't want people to spread because their performance was sub-par or something.
Wow i can't believe those covers are still floating around. I originally made those and never got around to making a disc label... All of those in favor say YAY! all who oppose say NAY! and to those who don't care either way...errr move along move along =)
alrite then...to get it straight.
we have nothing against u guys sharing L I V E bootlegs.
all this hosted on a ftp is even a cool favour for the others, so u can go on spreadin em among u.
(apart from the milwaukee 2000 gig that we dont wanna pop up anywhere). thanx!