Frequency Clashes / Peaks


New Metal Member
Dec 19, 2009
I have searched on here for this but I just don't get it or understand it enough.

I am mixing a song and trying to keep the peak level around -6db. I am using SSD for my drums and during playback it jumps up to -3.4db in some play backs and not others.

Is this due to the SSD anti-machine gun randomising the hits?

If not, is there any way I can tell what frequencies/sounds are clashing to cause this peak? I have tried to limit the snare but I still can't get it to sound reasonable without it sounding inaudible.

I don't think that the snare multisampling (or humanizing) would vary that much. To see the frequency spectrum visually, get an analyzer like Voxengo SPAN, that should help you find the problem.
That's the problem I have though.

Should I really be looking at it via SPAN say and then change the EQ for the snare just for one rogue spike?

I'm not even 100% it is the snare so how do I tell and if so how would I go about removing that peak?
Post a clip and we would have more of a handle of the problem to help and guide you to success.
If it is just random hits sometimes, throw a limiter on it i guess?
Just set it to the normal peak that you would get on the snare, and it will take care of the random hits that only happen sometimes
Is it jumping up during fast parts? Single kicks are going to peak lower than kicks during a blast beat with fast double kicks.
Thanks for the replies.

I think part of this is, that I am completely unsure what is causing it. I am focusing on the snare because I assume it's the crack adding to the peak volume. It happens on random loop playbacks which I can't figure out. Sometimes it will peak at -5.5db, then on another play through it will shoot right up to -3.4db or something.

I put a limiter on the snare, then I tried a clipper. I had to reduce it so much to get the song around -6db again that it sucked the life out of the snare.

It is during a part where all the instruments are playing:

- Two guitar tracks panned hard left and right
- Bass
- SSD with parallel compression