Fretted to fretless

Demonic Spitfire

New Metal Member
Sep 1, 2005
Hey, I recently got a new wicked fretted bass guitar. Now, I have an old fretted peavey fury II bass that as no actual use for the moment and I really dont want to sell it, 'cause well, it was my first actual bass. So I came up with the idea of transforming it into a fretless. I actually wanted to buy a new neck for it, but I changed my mind when I saw the prices. So yeah, I've read some stuff over the net about taking off the frets then putting in strips of wood to fill the holes then sand it down, etc.

I was wondering if any of you guys had ever actually done that thing by yourself (if so, what kind of result did you get?) or did you get a luthier to do it? 'cause if a luthier is to charge me $300 for the job, I might as well do it myself. So yeah, should I do it myself or take the bass to a professionnal?

Whether you do it yourself or have a luthier do it for you, removing the frets does not guarantee you having a fretless bass. It might as well end up being fire wood or wall decoration. Some basses just aren't suitable for being defretted. Quite a risk you take there. I'd spend those $300 or a bit more on a fretless that was built fretless. You should be able to find a good one for that price I guess...
I took off the frets after getting a lot of info from my local luthier. Most of them told that Id better be off doing myself and explained me some techniques on how to do it properly.

Like I said I took off the frets and they all came out nicely...that's because I used mask tape top prevent the removing process from marking the bass. Now Im getting some info on how to fill the empty slots created. I tried to use wood strips, but since the slot's are about 1/16'' large, it's hard to fit some wood in there and not make it crack.

Also when Im all done, I'll get some flatwound strings and I'll get my bridge adjusted.

The woodstrip method does work, you just have to be very very patient when cutting them down -- a guide on defretting

I personally think you should have gotten an SX fretless from rondomusic, they're cheap (money-wise, not quality-wise) P/J bass copies. It's about $160 inc shipping for a fretless 5-string Jazz with lines