Friar Rush 20/11/2009 @ Lewisham Hotel


Somewhere Far Beyond
Sep 13, 2005
Sydney, NSW
Fuck yeah! The last gig i was at was Friar Rush in July (appalling I know, been so long for me), and now I shall return to form by attending this rocking night out in Dave's backyard (not literally). Not sure when the night starts, but who cares, I'll be there early in anticipation!! Dave, any idea what other bands are playing on this night? I've been on a myspace crusade tonight looking through all the awesome bands Sydney has; Darker Half, Thundasteel, Rampant, Damarill, Inslain, Atomesquad, Hell Awaits, etc!! What other bands are gonna warm all of us up for the epicness that is FRIAR RUSH??

Fuck yeah! All you bums better get down and support this band. They deserve a bigger turn out than last time!! I want the room packed and everyone singing "HOOOOLD OOOON! HOOOOOOLD OOOOOOOON!" Fuck yeah, bring it on!
Good to see some enthusiasm!!

Yeah. My enthusiasm is easily noticed coz i swear a lot.

Dave - I wouldn't call myself a really good fellow, i don't attend near enough metal gigs than i should. But since Uni finishes for me this year, expect to see me at more! And if i have money to spend, it's usually on Aussie bands, coz they deserve more support than they get! I'm proud of our Australian bands! Australia has always had great bands.