friday stuff.


Aug 2, 2002
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- when i blow my nose my snots are yellow.
- i threw a snowball at a fat puerto rican girl's head this morning. i also threw one at a cab. i hit both.
- i have to try taking that medication again tonight. the one that made me pass out and hit my face. i'm like, not too psyched about it.
- people keep asking me 'what's wrong?' and i just don't want to tell them because no one can keep their mouth shut.. it's that thing where like, every person has to tell ONE person and then the whole world knows. how do you say nicely 'you are wrong with me'.
- my sister is getting breast implants. she's lost her fucking mind too apparently.
- my dad wears a sock puppet sometimes named eddie and he will say things like, 'eddie doesn't like.... eggplant'. this sock seems to be a manifestation of the nerve disease my dad has (trigeminal neuralgia of the atypical kind). like, whenever he feels sick, eddie comes out. my dad is funny. today i made an eddie for myself but it wasn't the same.
- if someone rapes/otherwise ruins this thread, i am going to pretend to ignore it, but then go home, light a few candles, and put a real, actual curse on them.
- listening to scentless apprentice while running on a treadmill is fun.
- if someone rapes/otherwise ruins this thread, i am going to pretend to ignore it, but then go home, light a few candles, and put a real, actual curse on them.


i'm feeling bad for the snowball girl, though. what prompted this?
although i feel no need to justify pelting someone with a snowball (we all deserve it!) she was wearing a d&g fur hat and i nailed her right on it. the fat sow.
my head pelting crosses all racial barriers. if the bitch was in a wheelchair and an albino i'd have hit her in the head.
-I'm at the newspaper right editor = MOTW board shananigans!
until someone wants coffee anyway.

-after this I'm working 6 hours at the machine shop.

-this morning I had one of those depressing, "what's the purpose of all of this" musings, similar to preps post about life yesterday.
I think spring is the only remedy.

-I need to get out and start running again, I feel like shit. I smoke too much and can't breathe after going up stairs....but it's too cold outside.

-why is it snowing today? I hate shoveling. people in wheelchairs are so lucky for not having to shovel.

-I'm going to see Strapping Young Lad tommorow. I need to get a pic with Devy and his skullet of wonder and awe.
- my miso soup tastes like crap. but maybe it's b/c of my stuffy nose.
- i think i have to suck it up and buy a high priced cd walkman today because my crappy one skips at the gym
- i'm totally fucked in life.
brotherhood of the wolf is probably one of the worst movies I have seen in recent memory. I only sat through it because I needed to kill time before meeting up with friends. It was seriously a pile of garbage.