friend talking me into that DC rally next weekend


Sep 12, 2002
and all i can think of is the misery of not getting to pee for 1000 hours straight

everyone should just stop all wars. this war and protest bullshit is really old, and so is my fucking bladder

i also like how this is neatly scheduled for a weekend. fucking shit hell, why. why am i going. why. i don't chant, i don't march. my carefully guarded american dollars are my protest.

well, speaking as someone who spent a year being paid (poorly) to do all that protesting stuff professionally: you are helping. even if a lot of people you don't agree with are working for the same cause, sheer numbers helps the opposition's negotiations. I think the anti-Iraq-war movement sucks (as opposed to the full-out anti-war movement, which rules), but I would join a protest with them solely because I think it'd give people leverage to get Bush to soften domestically in order to execute the war. also, if Bush cancels the Iraq thing to shore up his own career simply because he's not getting public support, then he deserves political annihilation.
Originally posted by xfer
I think the anti-Iraq-war movement sucks (as opposed to the full-out anti-war movement, which rules)

yeah. i'm going as a statistic. a body.

however, i'm still gonna be wracked by torso-spanning cramps.
but let me understand more clearly, xfer. your comment that i quoted up there is lamenting that this is a specialized protest... not a show of support for a police action in iraq. i... assume?
hmmm....what I meant was that I'm really supportive of the pacifist, anti-war movement, but I think that most of this current NO WAR IN IRAQ stuff is reactionary and anti-Bush, and the people shouting so loudly against are almost entirely the "well, World War II was justified" types instead of the "all war is wrong" types.
Originally posted by xfer
but I think that most of this current NO WAR IN IRAQ stuff is reactionary and anti-Bush, and the people shouting so loudly against are almost entirely the "well, World War II was justified" types instead of the "all war is wrong" types.

i find this interesting, as i've never taken part in a bigger scale protest.

the latter part of that statement i'll already agree with. i'm curious as to your viewpoints on the anti-Bush sentiment, though. this might be a big leap in assumption, but are you implying that the organizers have other agendas?

that wouldn't suprise me, but i'm not exposed to any evidence of this.

then again, i haven't really been looking.
well, everyone always has other agendas...the way prior to 9-11 Bush took huge criticism for not toppling the anti-woman Taliban "by any means necessary" from a lot of the same people who then criticized the military action once he actually did it. Al Gore is a good example of the Iraq folks who were hugely pro-war (in Iraq) all through the early and mid and late nineties and switched to anti-war as soon as it was a good way to politically oppose Bush.