Seriously, DO NOT get into a religious argument with me :lol:

Everything I will ever need to say about religion was pretty much expressed throughout that thread. Read when you have the time.

It gets quite scientific, so some of it could be difficult to understand to those "less educated". (page 7 onwards)

Atleast in Finnish and Swedish Satanism does not mean worshipping satan. Satan is a force in nature there(satanism).. I got the impression you were saying that. Satanism does not concentrate on ONE "god" its more like Satan is everywhere(In nature etc).

Just thought i'd point that out. Im not trying to get started on a argument but there is a difference in Satans worshipping and Satanism. Which some didn't seem to understand there...i just read some of first page though.

EDIT: Ah the guy beneath your post explains it all. Well... Laveyan Satanism is rather clever IMO.
EDIT2:Oh you explain how it is on page 2. Respect for that. I hate when people Generalise devils worshipping and satanism as one...i also hate the Devil's worshipping stereotype in metal. The retardation grade is unbelievable between some Christians.

Sorry for Hijack :lol: The most OMFG thing ive said is that i told a Jehovan Witness to fuck off and go to hell and that he would find his god there most probably.
Seriously, DO NOT get into a religious argument with me :lol:

If I had the time and the patience, I'd be glad to wipe the floor with your corpse.

Alas, I just can't respect someone with the Flying Spaghetti Monster in his sig. :rolleyes:

I don't debate trendy kids.

Everything I will ever need to say about religion was pretty much expressed throughout that thread. Read when you have the time.

It gets quite scientific, so some of it could be difficult to understand to those "less educated". (page 7 onwards)


It's pedestrian skepticism at its best! :lol:
Lol that shit is ooooold, The one on the SX forums was much more of a debate than a shitstorm (in the last 10 or so pages that is)

For the record: I have no problem with religious people, I just feel that some of the things they force themselves to believe are so illogical that I don't see why anyone with common sense would believe it.

Eg: Those Young Earth theorists and their idea of a "6000 year old earth" can be simply disproved by too many things.

You're forgetting something... The Dinosaurs never existed! :O :lol:

Anyway, so we measure our years from the supposed year of the birth of christ right? So thats 2008 years of existance since Jesus Christ was born. Well the Sumerian civilization existed around 5300BC, so 2008 years after Christ + 5300 years before christ = 7308 years since the time of the Sumerians to Present day...

And you can't deny the existance of the Sumerians.

Do you believe in the speed of light? If so, your theory is shot to hell :lol:
The observable universe, and more importantly light from stars on the other side of it, require much more than 6000 years to reach our earth. If it was all made at once, you've got a problem.

I don't believe in young earth. I believe in carbon dating. I have no problem with evolution positing that we are descended from primates either. Keep in mind I'm also a Christian :P. Thanks for the book recommendation though. Darwin's Black Box is horribly flawed argumentatively. It jumps to conclusions frequently, makes generalizations, hypocritic ignoring of detail, and equivocates often. It's a philosopher's junk box. It's not the data that's not up to date- it's the presentation and logic.

I do, by the way, have knowledge of electromagnetic fields. It was my undergraduate major.