Anyone catch this show on Fox tonight? Awesome awesome show! The professor was great "I hate the pudding here, they serve terrible butterscotch".
I was pleasantly surprised! Pretty cool show, and definite X-Files feel which was awesome.
For those that missed it, encore viewing on Sunday night (Tuesday is regular time).
Seven O'Clock ... Central Time. I've got my DVR set now .. missed it the first time around.what time on Sunday? I got Big brother, I Love Money and now Entourage to watch
Seven O'Clock ... Central Time. I've got my DVR set now .. missed it the first time around.
I watched the first hour, sorta watched the next hour but it was on at the same time as I love money and that's a no-no
comes off as really cliche and the dialogue needs a lot of work imo. Not sold on it and don't really have high hopes
I got to see some of the show and what I saw I did like alot - I still don't have a DVR (I know, I know.. behind the times...)
Hopefully I'll be able to tune in next week - if it's on at a decent hour - and keep up with it.. I did like it...