
This theory is weird..from that link Britt..

"When Locke insists Jack has no son, he was right. Jack and Juliet’s son only existed in the Flash Sideways so he wasn’t flesh and blood real which is why he wasn’t in the church at the end."

How can this be proven? Who was in the Church that wasn't involved in the island?

"Some of them such as Ana Lucia aren’t ready yet to remember their lives and aren’t ready to move on but they will be at some point."

Where does this come from?

"The island stuff and the Flash Sideways weren’t about two timelines converging, it was that they were all dead and remembering their lives which allowed them to connect to each other and move on. So the Flash Sideways wasn’t really limbo, and it wasn’t purgatory, it was more of a waypoint until they were ready for the next step."

They are remembering the future? Locke never had surgery. Kate never made it off the plane when she was in handcuffs..I don't understand where this comes from
The whole sideways universe that we've seen this season is a nonexistent purgatory made to feel like a real world so everyone could eventually come to terms with their real lives. It's a waiting area for them to meet up again and move on together no matter when and where they died in their real life. Jack had no son in real life. He was never married to Juliet, he was married to Sarah. He died on the island. His son was something created for him to deal with his daddy issues.
The only person who was never on the island in the church was Penny but she was tied closely to Desmond. She was the one that saved him when his mind was traveling through time.
I agree with what you wrote, Jibrille. As for the Anna Lucia question from RMS ... Hurley asked if she was coming with them and Desmond replied that she wasn't ready yet. Why she isn't ready is up for debate but I'd say she still has to atone for some past sins, and also "remember" the past. She didn't seem to have had her "awakening" yet.

Ben also didn't go into the church ... he said he had some things to work out. I took that to mean he would try to continue to atone for past sins, and maybe also try to "awaken" his daughter and Rousseau or something.

The whole key to how the "moving on" process worked was spelled out by Christian. He basically said that the fabricated sideways universe was created by those that formed strong bonds on the island. They basically needed each other to remember those bonds and realize they were dead before they could "move on" to their next destination. Jack was just the last one to figure out.

Some people have wondered why guys like Lapedus, Miles, Daniel, and Charlotte weren't part of Jack's group in the church that was "moving on". My guess is that these people have their own group of people that they have stonger ties too, and that eventually they will have their awakenings and then eventually move on as well.

I thought Lapidus WAS in the church?????

Yeah, like we know that Michael fucked up with Walt both on and off the island which is why he is "stuck" still.

The one thing I am stuck on, though I know I shouldn't overthink it, is that we don't know how anyone died, except for Jack, Boone, and his sister (maybe some others who were there). So for the others, we don't know how and when they died. Though in the church they appeared all to be exactly the same age. I know the whole concept of time and age doesn't matter, but if the island was real???? Maybe it WAS the plane Lapidus was flying that we saw wrecked at the end? Once again, I know I might be overthinking this.
I haven't had time to go back and review, but I think the plane wreckage was the original plane. Lapidus was supposed to be on the plane, but he ended up on a second plane (or maybe he's an added figure, not sure). I think they eventually ran out of food and whatnot.
Had to miss the last 20 minutes, if you can believe that, so I have to watch it again to get it sorted out. All I can say right now is I was right about Hugo. ;)
I thought Lapidus WAS in the church?????

Yeah, like we know that Michael fucked up with Walt both on and off the island which is why he is "stuck" still.

The one thing I am stuck on, though I know I shouldn't overthink it, is that we don't know how anyone died, except for Jack, Boone, and his sister (maybe some others who were there). So for the others, we don't know how and when they died. Though in the church they appeared all to be exactly the same age. I know the whole concept of time and age doesn't matter, but if the island was real???? Maybe it WAS the plane Lapidus was flying that we saw wrecked at the end? Once again, I know I might be overthinking this.

As far as I know Lapidus wasn't there in the church. The odd one in the church was Penny .. since she wasn't on the island at all. She was however Desmond's constant and was instrumental to keeping his mind from frying when he was time hopping.

I think Kate, Sawyer, and the rest that flew off with Lapidus went on to live their lives. When they died they went to sideways world. Christian basically said there was no real time in sideways world and some of these people in the church died before Jack, and some died far later. I think you kind of have to throw out time in regards to the sideways world. It's unknown whether Jack, Boone, Shannon entered sideways world upon death, or after everyone in their group passed away.

The reason they would appear the same age probably just has to do with them all remembering each others appearance from that point in time where they were all together.

One cool theory I read about how the sideways world came to be had to do with Hurley, and the new rules he was allowed to make when he came to be the caretaker of the light. Christian said it was a place they created for themselves, so like everything on Lost it's kind of open to interpretation. It seemed obvious the light on the island was linked with the light that entered the church when Christian "moved on".

Good job on your prediction, AMBR !! I didn't get too much right expect for a few things. A while back I thought the cut on Jack's neck was from a knife wound he would suffer .. turns out his appendix scar also might have been caused from a knife wound from Locke. That would make sense now.

I also thought Juliet would be Jack's ex in the sideways, and that her and Sawyer would hook up. I think most people were onto that though.

This may be a dumb question but wasn't the plane rigged with explosives or am I getting that confused. I expected the plane to blow up while Jack was looking up in the sky.
I read that last night, Ratanda .... good stuff. Pretty cool if it actually is a person who actually was a writer for the show.

In that writeup it's said that the ending plane wreckage scene was put in to screw around with people. I still think it's just the regular Oceanic wreckage ... there's no bodies to be seen, and the ground is covered with footprints. It also looks like Jack's medical tent was in the corner of the shot.

Ratanda - Thanks a ton for that.
This helped me out a lot.

Esp when he says that Hurley may not have entered the sideways world until centuries later.

I need to "let go" (no pun intended!!!, well maybe a little) of the fact that time really does not matter in the sideways world. The only thing that does is everyone getting there.

I think it's awesome too to know that the creators never changed the finale. It does help a lot with understanding the meaning and purpose of the characters and their relationship with each other.

I can honestly say after that read, I am a lot more at ease and content with the finale.
Ratanda - Thanks a ton for that.
This helped me out a lot.

I can honestly say after that read, I am a lot more at ease and content with the finale.
The reason I thought Hugo would ultimately be the next island protector is because he was the only one who hadn't really "sinned." All the bad things in his life were out of his control.
Someone posted this at another forum I go to. Had to share it.

Thanks Dan! :)
That was a great read & it already confirmed
my theories on the "Sideways World" as well!
And in the end, I'm very glad they kept the original ending they
intended in the first place! :kickass: