
I usually avoid ongoing shows and such like the plague as I hate to be "hooked." Unfortunately, my son, who works at Blockbuster brought be home all the Lost episodes when I was recuperating from a broken ankle. I'll say, it was much more fun to watch them back to back to back to back.....
Wow, what a piss poor episode.
Is there really anything to discuss?

Ok, so I suppose we now know specifically how Jacob's brother initially took on the form of the "smoke Monster"

I bet some of this LEAST favorite songs are SMOKE ON THE WATER, or RUN TO THE LIGHT (by TROUBLE) :)
The things they do answer just lead to more questions. How did the fakemom get on the island? Why is this light source there? Is it a wormhole to another galaxy or something? Was she a smoke monster as well? Was it her who decimated the village? I get the idea there will be about 100 unanswered questions when this all wraps up. At least they answered the Adam & Eve question.

Yeah, I don't remember that scene where Jack found the rocks/marbles bag.
I really need to go back sometime and watch the old seasons.

I don't think she was ever a smoke monster, since she could have simply done away with the shipwrecked ones.

What I want to know is how long ago is it from present day that last night happened? Jacob's brother said it was 30 years later, which would make them around 45 or whatever. Though, in present day, well at least we think its present day, they don't look a day older.

We know why Richard doesn't age, but how did this happen for Jacob and his brother?
I'm pretty sure she was a smoke monster .. maybe the original one. How else could a woman like that kill off an entire village of folks and fill an entire well of dirt all in the time prior to he son in black waking up? If she wasn't the smoke monster I think she summoned one from that well of light. Jacob is the only other option .. who knows .. possible long con on us viewers. Jacob is the evil one from day one .. perhaps?

I do think she was a smokie though, and only resorted to killing the village off once she figured out they had discovered the light/dark matter properties on the island. As guardian of the light they forced her hand to act. She also had said some things to her boys that led me to believe she had prior knowledge of what was in the cave of light.

As for the aging thing .. might have been that wine/sealing of the deal thing between fakemom and Jacob. Perhaps he quit aging that moment. It appeared to me that the mother had quit aging as well .. would make sense that she quit aging when she became the guardian of the well of light. This doesn't fully explain Richard, who simply asked Jacob to let him live forever. Perhaps Jacob whipped up some fountain of youth wine or something?

My guess on what the time period was for last night episodes ... pre 1800's. Richard and The Black Rock arrived/crashed in the early to mid 1800's if I recall right ... last nights episode predated that occurance.

In the original Adam and Eve discovery episode Jack said it looked like the bones were 40 to 50 years old ... that part was left out last night .. probably because it no longer made sense with the creators actual endgame. I think they were winging it early on and didn't establish a finish until a season or two ago.

You know what, I've also been saying the same exact thing about Jacob being the REAL evil one as well!
My theory is, that when juliet set off the bomb in 1977, that not only did it cause the "Flash-Sideways Universe" timline,
but it also made regular things like alliances shift ,so to speak. Hence, Jacob & Smokey's alignment's from good to evil,
and vice versa!
In the original Adam and Eve discovery episode Jack said it looked like the bones were 40 to 50 years old ... that part was left out last night .. probably because it no longer made sense with the creators actual endgame. I think they were winging it early on and didn't establish a finish until a season or two ago.

Ok, so you will have to help me here.
Jack finds the bones of Jacob's mother and brother?

But haven't we seen Jacob's brother THIS season?

Maybe I have a crappy memory and that was actually a flashback scene.
Yes, Jack and Kate found those bones in season one of two ... which has only been like at most three or four years in island time.

The only time we've seen Jacob's brother (man in black) is in flashbacks that long pre-date the Losties ever arriving on the island. The latest we ever saw that brother form was in the Richard episode a few weeks back that was set in the early to mid 1800's.

The only time we've seen Jacob's brother (man in black) is in flashbacks that long pre-date the Losties ever arriving on the island. The latest we ever saw that brother form was in the Richard episode a few weeks back that was set in the early to mid 1800's.


Gotcha, that's right!!!!! That was the Richard episode.
So then this recent episode, is man in black TRULY dead?
Man in black isn't really dead, although his human body is of no use to him any longer ... his being kind of fused with the heart of the island when he was dumped in the stream by Jacob on this weeks episode. He got spit back out of the light source as the smoke monster and can now take on the image of many different people. I think this weeks episode pre-dates the present time by hundred .. maybe thousands of years. Of late MIB has taken the form of John Locke on island ... basically this whole season. He's shown up before as other characters as well .. Christian (Jack's father), Ben's daughter, Mr. Eko's brother, Yemi, etc.

Crazy show I know .. been watching it since the beginning.

Yeah, that's right. I guess I forgot that MIB currently is Locke (well, the image of Locke). Thanks for the confirmation. Next Alehorn, maybe I will buy YOU a beer for a change! :)
What language were Jacob's real mom and adopted mom speaking when they met?

I couldn't understand all of it, but there was definitely some Spanish.

I am guessing some Latin.

Richard was speaking Latin in his flashback episode.

Makes sense I suppose since the island is somewhere inbetween Australia and N America, right?
I'm holding my thoughts until the finale. Just watched the last 2 episodes last night, waiting for last night's episode to be uploaded. I think they're trying to gear up for a full assault finale. I don't think we're going to end up with a BSG finale at all.
Ok, who else is feeling REALLY empty inside about this season?
Ditto. After all the convoluted schemes, plot twist, mysteries etc, AND all the time we've invested in this thing, I just was expect more somehow. I still think in the end, Hurley will be the "savior" somehow. He seems to keep getting smarter and more aware while everyone else gets more frantic and confused.
My only prediction is this......

Sawyer will become Smokie.
He is the one person who NEVER let himself understand his purpose for being on the island.
Furthermore, he is the one who wants off the most.
Therefore, I assume he would then need to die first.
I'm holding my thoughts until the finale. Just watched the last 2 episodes last night, waiting for last night's episode to be uploaded. I think they're trying to gear up for a full assault finale. I don't think we're going to end up with a BSG finale at all.

What's BSG?