
"Can't you just turn to smoke and fly your ass off this island?":lol:

Heh, best line yet. Sawyer's my favorite character. Sun's ok. I prefer her to Kate and Clare. Not my favorite episode but I thought it was interesting how Sun's father set them up.

More interested in events on the island(s). Let the war begin!

Edit: On a side note, who else it totally IRRITATED by the red V and countdown clock in the lower right had corner? That was driving me CRAZY! When Sun was writing on her pad I couldn't read anything on the pad because it was hidden by that damn advertisement. Is this only effecting us poor folks who don't have wide screen TVs?
I just rewatched it, and yes, the V thing was present for the entire episode. I did a great job last night of paying no attention to it. I managed to look through or around it all night.

I liked the episode better the second time... there were some answers given out, and some rather cool parts going on. I like to rewatch the episode after reading the Vozzek69 recaps that can found at DarkUFO. Voz has a way of piecing things together in a way that makes you think. I've been reading his stuff for a few years now.

Okay y'all, ever since I watched last night's episode, I've come to my own
conclusion & I now have my own theory!:)
Check this out: Okay, we all know that when juliet set off the bomb,
things changed right,right. Check. So, since things did change so much
because of the bomb going off, I seriously think that not only are the
"flash sideways" what would've happened had the plane not crashed &
they not landed back on the island again, but ALSO because I've noticed
a lot, that a lot of the characters that "Originally" died or were killed off,
are ACTUALLY alive again! Because,(I know that this sounds "Way Out There",
but granted we're talking LOST here!) Because Juliet created another "Alternate Timeline" when the bomb initially went off, in my theory
that is! And somehow, all of these characters are gonna come together
w/ everyone else, eventually soon on the island! Just think about it, Everyone that they've been showing in the majority of these "flash sideways" scenarios, a good many of them died or were killed off "originally"
Of course, I know there could be holes in my theory. But what do all of y'all think? That's my 2 cents.
I love Jin and Sun so this week's episode was very interesting to me. I love that no one knows if Jin or Sun is the Kwon that is meant to be there. Just another little twist to the plot that makes LOST so great!

And was that Desmond?
whoa... good episode with Desmond. And I have a feeling I know what he's going to be asked to do. No 'guessing' spoilers from me right now though in case anyone missed the show last night. ;)

been waiting anxiously for the Hurley episode - more answers NEXT WEEK!!! :worship:
Wow, that one totally confused the hell out of me. Glad you have a clue RoT, but I'm just confused. This whole alternate time line is starting to warp. Didn't Desmond only see dead people until Penny came along? Anyone want to comment on this past episode, please do because I'm befuddled.
Best episode of the season IMHO.

Desmond rocks...

Thank God for Faraday being there to shed some stinking light on things. I ACTUALLY LIKE the idea of what they're trying to pull off now with the alternate reality. I finally feel like I have some clue of it again.

Everything in it last night I thought was awesome.
Wow, that one totally confused the hell out of me. Glad you have a clue RoT, but I'm just confused. This whole alternate time line is starting to warp. Didn't Desmond only see dead people until Penny came along? Anyone want to comment on this past episode, please do because I'm befuddled.

Give this a read when you get a chance. It's a recap that helps put things into persepctive and make some sort of sense. It's a good read. I think last night we basically got confirmation that the sideways universe is not the true path the Losties are supposed to be on.


Give this a read when you get a chance. It's a recap that helps put things into persepctive and make some sort of sense. It's a good read. I think last night we basically got confirmation that the sideways universe is not the true path the Losties are supposed to be on.



Wow! What an awesome read that was!
It all made perfect sense to me!
And it was pretty much what I was saying before, about the bomb, Jughead
that daniel found & when juliet set it off it created a totally alternate timeline,
that we all found out in this weeks ep. "Happily Ever After" should not have
even existed in the first place!
And now comes the fun part: getting these two seperate timelines to
merge & (FINALLY!) right which was wrong (sorry bout the "Quantum Leap" quote!) :lol:
Did anybody notice in the episode on Sawyer that he appeared to be in the same apartment that Jack was in a few episodes bacl when Jack was calling his mother and informing her about his father's missing casket? I'm not sure if that's intended or if they were on a shortage of "sets" while filming.
You know, with only 5 episodes left, I am not even going to bother trying to make heads and tails of anything at the moment.
I am simply trying to enjoy each episode to its fullest.
I agree. Last night was great.

The one observation I have made this season though is this.....
Regardless of past, present, or sideways....most characters actually seem to be happier and less "alone" on the island than off the island.
(IE - Sun is with Jin, Charlie had Claire, Kate had Jack / Sawyer, Sawyer had Juliette, Ben had Russo, etc,etc).

The two though who seemed to have more love OFF the island however are Locke, Hurley, Sayid, and Desmond........

Maybe I am reading too much into it.........who knows.
Just wondering, if I'm the only one who enjoys the very funny video series, that are on ABC.com called LOST:Untangled narrated by the "Dr. Pierre Chang" muppet?!
Am I the only one who's seen them?
They are always pretty funny & silly, and basically cater to US the LOST fans!