
Yeah the lighthouse was really the best part of the whole episode. I'm so thankful I didn't remember the previews for the episode when they got to the lighthouse otherwise it would have ruined some of the suspense if I had ("oh no! Is he gonna smash it? really? no? yes? omg!") .... glad I didn't remember already seeing him smash it. I love that the previews for next week were so cryptic!

Anyway, here's my new thoughts on the parallel world: What if the parallel world isn't just what would happen if they didn't crash, but rather, what would their lives be like if the island didn't exist at all, which would change everything, even the past, because the island was playing a part in their lives the whole time (i.e. Jacob visiting some of them at young ages). My evidence for this? Jack had his appendix taken out on the island by Juliette, not when he was little by his Dad. So obviously the parallel world isn't just what would have happened from the point of landing forward, but how their whole existence would be dramatically different. Possibly Jack only has a child in a world where the island doesn't exist at all, but in the world where it does exist he doesn't have a son, which is why we didn't know about him until this episode. You'd think Jack would have made mention of him by now, whether or not the kid is terrified of him and ran off somewhere.

Did anyone else forget that Claire & Jack are siblings? I totally didn't connect the dots when the samurai guy said "it happened to your sister" and then seeing Claire in the same episode. I remembered they were related in between the last week's episode and this one, so it wasn't a complete surprise that Locke showed up in Claire's tent. My co-workers and I have been theorizing that the smoke monster can take more than one body and thus infected Sayid and Claire. On the other hand there was some comment about him not being able to leave Locke's body now, for whatever reason, so maybe Claire and Sayid aren't part of the smoke monster. But then what is the "darkness" that is growing inside Sayid and has already taken over Claire that possess her to be friends with Bad Locke?

I loved it when Claire rammed the axe into the guy's chest. That's what I love about LOST and I feel has been missing from this season so far.
The Lighthouse was cool ... seeing all those names on the wheel corresponding to the different characters was neat. As they would click past the names you'd see a scene from their past .. I'm pissed Jack broke it all up. I think it would have been awesome to stop at all the main characters numbers and get a glimpse.

Shok, I think your theory holds some water .. it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

I really want to see all of the islands mysteries addressed ... more background stories of Jacob, MIB, and Richard. I would really like to see what caused Jacob and MIB to be on that island. I'm probably way off base, but I'm thinking that MIB killed Jacob as a youngster (hench the appearance of a bloody little boy in the previous episode). I wouldn't be surprised if they are brothers, and perhaps offspring from some ancient gods. MIB sure seemed spooked when he saw that boy.

It almost seems they are playing a game of human backgammon .. perhaps in the world Jacob comes from he was allowed to choose how he wanted to spend his afterlife ... MIB as punishment is forced to play along to Jacob's rules. In this version he is "not allowed to kill Jacob". It just seems some of these rules would have been something made up by a young boy. I dunno .. just a thought.

Oh .. about the gals in the underwater hatch ... Jack's ex wife and Sawyer's ex girlfriend (Sarah & Cassidy) weren't the same folks in the Station. I can see how someone might see some similarities ... both girls look similar to The Others that were down there (Bonnie & Greta).



Interesting theories y'all!
I agree about the "Human Backgammon" theory, I also believe they are
some kind of ancient Gods too!
This final season just keeps getting better!
More questions keep being answered!
I'm just so excited to see this all playout in these last episodes!
I'm SO HOOKED ON LOST!:kickass:
The one thing that popped into my head a few episodes ago was seeing Desmond on the plane - I always remember the notes that Faraday had of "Desmond is my constant" - so I'm wondering if that's why he was on the plane was to be the "constant" for that time period?????

When the Japanese man said that Sayid had the same sickness as Jack's sister, I remembered how in the first season the crazy French woman talking about her baby's father having "the sickness", then later we learned that Ben is the father????

Somehow they gotta lace all of this up, but not sure how :)
Ben kidnapped Rousseau's baby and raised it as his own after Rousseau's killed her friends (including the baby's father) who she claimed had "the sickness". I've never been so sure it wasn't her that had the sickness.

The whole sickness thing kind of throws me off .. it's not one of my favorite parts of the show. Claire is now out there acting a lot like Rousseau used to before getting killed.

Ugh. This show drives me crazy! All the characters I like either get killed or corrupted. Maybe in the end, the black smoke monster will be the good guy and it was Jacob all along who was evil. Somehow I don't think so. Anyway, right now I'm formulating a theory that it's actually going to be Hugo who ends up figuring it all out and getting all the "good guys", whoever they end up being, back to "reality", whatever that ends up being. After all, he's speaks to dead people and is the luckiest guy on the earth. He needs to be the surprise hero.
I am placing my $$$ on Sawyer ending up as the new Jacob.
I think he's the only one who has it in him to actually get anything done.

Sayid has completely died inside. He is WAY too easily influenced ,primarily driven by his own guilt.

Jack is simply too weak.

We have seen that Sawyer has no regrets for anything he chooses, yet he still has love in his heart.

It still comes back to children in the end.
(IE - Samurai guy revealing he had a son who was killed)

Still not sure if the alternate timeline is 100% separate, or linked truly to the time before the flight.
Im thinking what is going on is that John locke's new character(I forget his name) has offered everyone a deal to get off the island and that's what the other life is that they are showing when they 'flashback' to what would've happened if the plane didn't crash. The samurai guy said he came to the island but he could never see his son, and I compare that to Sayyid's love coming back but he can't be with her. We'll see where it goes and im loving this season because its going to finally be OVER no more friggin questions!
I also think that smokie Locke can only see dead people (IE - Claire, Sayid, etc).

There is a theory that when he came to visit James, there was a gun next to the bed, giving the impression that maybe he had actually already offed himself, following Juliette's death.

He seemed shocked when he sees non-dead people, like Kate and Jin.

He hasn't seen Jack or Hurley though.

Also, it looks like in the next episode, Ben wants to die or bury himself.
His whole lot in life was to have Jacob speak to him.
Maybe he figured out, from Locke, that you have to die to have any importance.
Also, it looks like in the next episode, Ben wants to die or bury himself.
His whole lot in life was to have Jacob speak to him.
Maybe he figured out, from Locke, that you have to die to have any importance.

I thought he was trying to dig Locke up from his grave; in my estimation, Locke was brought back to life because he was buried in the ground and the island's healing power that gave him the ability to walk has also now given him life, possibly due to a transfer of power from Jacob maybe? All I know for sure is that they made it very clear that his body was buried, and that the island likes to heal Locke.

The main "ah ha" for me was that last night was the 1st time in the "alternate" timeline where someone mentions the island (when Ben was speaking to his father). Interesting that Ben gets a little redemption for allowing his daughter to die on the island in getting her the college recommendation in the alternate time line.

Overall though, I still think they need to unleash something big!!! Less than 10 episodes before the finale, and I feel we are getting nowhere again, just seeing a different character spotlight.
Hey, can someone tell me what Jack said to Richard about how the dynamite wouldn't blow up and kill him? Some jackass called during that part.

I'm sticking with my dumb ass theory that Hurley is the chosen one. In the end, I think he finds a way to implode/blow up or otherwise destroy the damn thing after everyone gets off and when it's gone they can have normal/better lives. A very holey theory, I know.
Hey, can someone tell me what Jack said to Richard about how the dynamite wouldn't blow up and kill him? Some jackass called during that part.

He was just saying that he saw his childhood home in the reflection at the lighthouse, so he knew that Jacob needed him for something, so he knew that he would not die, even though he lit the fuse. The fuse of course burned out centimeters away from the dynamite stick.

I think something REALLY big and tear jerking will still occur, like possibly Hurley's death.
I think Richard was one of the smugglers from that ship.

He most certainly came over on the ship, however, I feel he was a slave. Evil Locke mentioned when they first ran in to each other that it was good to see him out of the chains...

My roomie and I watch religiously and supposedly a Richard episode is coming in the next few weeks.

Whoo hoo!!!
He most certainly came over on the ship, however, I feel he was a slave. Evil Locke mentioned when they first ran in to each other that it was good to see him out of the chains...

My roomie and I watch religiously and supposedly a Richard episode is coming in the next few weeks.

Whoo hoo!!!

True, I'm really interested to see his backstory, as all the characters are related in some way, not just from knowing each other, but 'being' each other's replacement on the island.
I am placing my $$$ on Sawyer ending up as the new Jacob.
I think he's the only one who has it in him to actually get anything done.

Sayid has completely died inside. He is WAY too easily influenced ,primarily driven by his own guilt.

Jack is simply too weak.

We have seen that Sawyer has no regrets for anything he chooses, yet he still has love in his heart.

It still comes back to children in the end.
(IE - Samurai guy revealing he had a son who was killed)

Still not sure if the alternate timeline is 100% separate, or linked truly to the time before the flight.

You're just saying that because he seems the most metal out of them all:)

Sawyer is smart though, and all those things you mentioned. Good observation. He can't go home, they'll arrest him. He lost his love. He told Kate to shove off, and is a loner. He isn't easily swayed and sees through stuff very quickly. The Samurai dood was awesome, too bad he was killed by bad Sayid.. Too bad Sayid died too.. It's truly shocking and sad to see who they kill off and or corrupt in this. It's like one long series of tragedies. I just hope Desdmond, his wife Penny, and their child all stay away from the island and stay alive, I really liked their story..
I will say though that even though it's kinda annoying those clues on the bottom are quite helpful.. one thing that popped out was the description that the other time line was not what would happen if there was no island, but ONLY if they had not crashed on to the island. Ben as seen this past week was there as a kid but left with his father, whom he took care of, got some character, and was not obsessed with power.
I have a theory that the Flash Sideways are actually tests that will determine which of the candidates are actually worthy of becoming the new Jacob, as well as what side they will be on. This really hit home with me during the last Ep with Ben, as it seems like he figured out how to do the right thing, but Sayid did not in his flash sideways.